Newman, Alan wrote:

>Curious coincidence. I just distributed this link today to my staff and I was 
>preparing a post to MCN-L.  We've adopted most of these guidelines in my 
>division at the National Gallery.
I'm curious to know which recommendations you haven't adopted ... let us 

I read through the UPDIG recommendations and found it really interesting 
and helpful. I thought their recommendation for RAW format was 
relatively unconvincing, though. Almost like they were saying "we want 
to recommend RAW format, but we realize you're going to convert them 
anyway, at least until the DNG format is widely-supported." Their best 
arguments for RAW applied to oddball cameras--which to me is an argument 
not to buy an oddball camera. Is anyone behaving differently, and 
storing files in RAW (but not also storing in TIFF)? I think, although 
I'm not sure, that the UPDIG Working Group has more faith in RAW than 
the museum and library worlds do.

The other question I've been asking myself a lot lately, but haven't 
seen addressed much, is why not store files with some form of reversible 
compression like zip (or gzip or bzip2)? UPDIG doesn't address this 
(although they allow that compression is valuable for delivery). ZIP 
(and bzip2 and gzip) is perfectly reversible, and it's tried and true. 
Why store 100Mb TIFF files when we could be storing 10Mb files? 
Has anyone out there opted to use reversible compression in digital 
repositories? If not, why not?

I realize that JPEG2000 would also solve the compression problem, but 
ZIP ought to have less of an acceptance problem than JPEG2000 (as it's 
already so established).

"matt 2.vcf" (missing attachment)
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