The deadline for proposals for the 2006 MCN Annual Meeting is February
16 - less than a month away!

Based on the positive feedback from the MCN listserv, there *will be*
workshops held at the Pasadena conference in November. Now is the time
to submit your workshop proposals focusing on the following areas of

Digital Assets Management 
Collection Information Management 
Digital Rights Management 
Electronic Publications 
Imaging Technologies 
Cyber Communities 
Intellectual Property Rights  
Management Issues, including Funding
Membership and Fundraising
Multimedia & Streaming Technologies
Planning and Implementing Technology
Point of Sale and eCommerce
Research & Evaluation
Standards & Interoperability

Don't have a proposal, just a great workshop idea you'd like to share?
Post it to MCN-L or use the online submission form and we'll see if a
workshop can be developed from your idea.

For more information, see the 2006 MCN Call for Proposals
<> and online submission
form <>.

Jana Hill
MCN Workshop Committee
Collection Database Coordinator
Amon Carter Museum
3501 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, Texas 76107

All opinions are my own and not those of my employer.

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