For those who were following this DRM debacle:



On December 29th, it was announced that Sony BMG had reached a deal with
the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit over copy-restriction software it
used in music CDs. Sony has agreed to compensate buyers of CDs that
contained the XCP and MediaMax DRM programs and to provide software
utilities to allow consumers to uninstall both types of software from
their computer. The outcry over the software began in October when a
programmer discovered that XCP software on a Sony music CD had installed
copy-restriction software on his computer that was hidden using a rootkit.
Antivirus companies later discovered Trojan horses that exploited this
software to avoid detection and found that another type of Sony DRM,
MediaMax, also posed a security risk. In the settlement filing, Sony
states that it will immediately recall all XCP CDs and replace them with
non-content-protected CDs. Customers who exchange their XCP CD can either
download three albums from a list of over 200 titles, or claim a cash
payment of $7.50 and a free download of one album. To claim this
compensation, customers must return their XCP CDs to Sony or provide the
company with a receipt showing they returned or exchanged the CD at a
retailer after November 14th. The settlement filing is awaiting approval
by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The
proposed settlement may be found at

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