The International Image Interoperability Framework community ( 
and the National Gallery of Art are hosting a one day information sharing event 
in Washington D.C. about the use of images in and across Cultural Heritage 

The day will focus on how museums, galleries, libraries and archives, or any 
online image service, can take advantage of a powerful technical framework for 
interoperability between image repositories.   This event will be valuable for 
organizational decision makers, repository and collection managers, software 
engineers, and anyone interested in exploring the wide range of use cases that 
are seamlessly enabled by the framework.
Attendance is free, and widespread announcement of the event is encouraged.

A detailed program is available and will cover:
Walkthrough of the Framework
Software and Solutions Showcase
Getting Started

There will be many opportunities for discussion, questions and networking 
throughout the day with new and existing partners including multiple national 
libraries, top tier research institutions, commercial providers and major 
aggregators.  The currently registered participants are listed below.
Lunch is not provided but ample time has been allotted, and there are great 
restaurants near the venue.  The twitter hashtag to use for the event is: #iiif

Please join iiif-discuss for announcements and discussion regarding the event.

Alan Newman
National Gallery of Art

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