The Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS)
provides resources and programs for all persons who work with and
support collections, whether in a museum or in a private or corporate
collection.  ARCS, with the generous assistance of COOKE'S CRATING &
FINE ART TRANSPORTATION, INC., offers travel stipends to assist eight
(8) registrars or collections specialists, including students or
retirees in the field, to attend the ARCS Biennial Meeting which will
take place November 12 to 15, 2015, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
We will try to fund representatives from organizations of different
sizes and disciplines, in different locations throughout the world.

The Biennial Meeting offers general sessions for all attendees as well
as breakout sessions focused on collections care topics and provides
opportunities to meet and network with other professionals in the
field or in related support services.

Five awardees from North or Central America will receive $1,000 each
awardees from other parts of the world will receive $2,000 each from
ARCS to help defray the costs of attending this conference.   In
return, the recipient agrees to write a two- page review of a session.
The specific session will be mutually agreed upon and coordinated by
an Awards Committee member prior to the conference and the report will
be due to ARCS by December 1, 2015.

Applicants for this fellowship must be current voting members of ARCS
in good standing. Selection of the recipients will be based upon
demonstrated merit, dedication to their work as registrars or
collections specialists, and financial need.

To apply for the award, send:

1.  a cover letter, explaining specifics of demonstrated merit,
dedication, and need;

2.  a current resume; and

3.  one letter of recommendation, preferably from your current
supervisor, if applicable--if not, please explain in cover letter.

Application materials must be received by July 15, 2015.  Please
submit Electronic documents, and send original documents as well to:

Irene Taurins
Director of Registration
Philadelphia Museum of Art
P. O. Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Facsimile  215-235-0048
Electronic mail

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