NMAI's orientation film is in a small dome theater on the top floor. Worth a 
field trip for you and Silvina.
Also, this is a science example, but the films at Griffith Observatory's 
Planetarium are narrative in nature, and are aimed somewhat at changing 
environmental behavior, so there might be overlap with your goals.
On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Haley Goldman, Michael <> wrote:

> With the NYTimes about to launch its VR documentary "Displaced," I'm trying
> to find good past or present examples of 360-projection domes at museums (I
> already have plenty of examples of VR headsets, thank you).
> Most of what I've seen so far has been science based - which is great but
> less applicable - so I'm looking for a variety of examples and a better
> sense of the options in technology being used.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Michael Haley Goldman
> USHMM - Future Projects
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