It was exciting to host a lively conversation at the last MCN conference about Libraries, Archives and Museums (topics: [1]; slides: [2]). I am happy to see that many colleagues are interested in tearing down the barriers between bibliographical, archival and collection records within museums, as well as promoting the exchange of information and technologies between Cultural Heritage institutions.

I think the session sparked quite some interest and raised important topics from many of the participants. I also believe that this conversation needs to be brought forward.

This mailing list may be a good place to follow up that conversation. I would love to propose a similar session for next MCN, actually even closer to a round-table discussion than to a panel.

If enough people are interested, I would also propose to create a special interest group for this topic. Goal of the SIG would be torefine the core topics that we brought up at the conference using this mailing list, and then meet in person at the next MCN with a distilled down list of action items.

Anyone interested in this proposal is welcome to respond.


[1] http://sched.co/3tND
[2] http://www.slideshare.net/StefanoCossu/librarries-archives-museums-discussion-mcn-2015

Stefano Cossu
Director of Application Services, Collections

The Art Institute of Chicago
116 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60603

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