Hello all!
I was wondering if any museums/theatres out there have undergone a thorough 
content audit backed by analytics? We are currently undergoing a website 
redesign and content strategy. How does everyone deliver their newsletters, 
press releases, nearby dining and accommodations, and parking information? Is 
this listed somewhere on your website? Is it in a pre visit email? Most 
importantly have you found analytics backing up use of these content elements?

In short, my main question is whether or not the website is the best way for 
these information to be delivered and accessed by the user. Or whether it would 
be better served delivered in a different way? Right now, our website cannot 
give us good analytics into this questions so I'm reaching out to find what 
others have found.

Any insight or information you're willing to share would be valuable! Thank you 
so much!

Tatum Walker
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