[List members may be interested in this new book, currently available with
over 15% Early-Bird savings.]

How many museum or gallery blogs do you read regularly?

Much of today’s most interesting, innovative and passionate writing about
museums is hidden away in hundreds of carefully-crafted museum blogs. And
all too little of this content enters into mainstream museum discourse.

The Museum Blog Book is a collection of over 70 blogs which reflect fresh
thinking and practice in and about museums. Whether the authors are from
world-class institutions like MoMA, the Smithsonian, the British Museum, or
the V&A - or are independent professionals or volunteers - they all share
practical experience aimed at  transforming the museum experience.

For the full contents list please visit: http://bit.ly/2kLFORo

* New technologies
In five sections, The Museum Blog Book explores every key area of museum
operation: from managing and collecting, to learning, interpreting and
visiting. The content is both rich and concise. And - reflecting its online
origins - the application of new technologies is explored throughout.

* 630 pages | 126 illustrations
This is a book which speaks for itself: museum professionals share the
experiences and perceptions they believe are the most valuable, the most
urgent. It’s perceptive. Witty. Thoughtful. Concerned. Angry. Committed.
Exhilarating. Invaluable.

Graeme Farnell
Publisher, MuseumsEtc


MuseumsEtc Ltd
UK: Hudson House | 8 Albany Street | Edinburgh EH1 3QB
USA: 675 Massachusetts Ave., Ste 11 | Cambridge | MA 02139
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