The Philadelphia Museum of Art is hosting its second hackathon. This year we 
extended the time frame and format.  The kickoff is Wednesday April 5th and 
participants will have one month to develop their projects.  Our theme is 
focused on creating a game around the museum collection.  We are encouraging 
experimentation with VR and AR technologies as well.  We will provide access to 
museum staff during the month via a dedicated web section and may also host 
some discussions on Slack. Two Hacklabs (April 12th and 19th) will take place 
so the participants can work at the museum, test their games, and ask staff 
questions.  We will provide access to the iBeacons and have developed a very 
light API to access the collection data. Final judging will take place 
Wednesday May 3rd, during Philly Tech Week. The prize is $2,000.

Hackathon 2.0<>

Who: Individuals 19+, those who can code, those who can create, and all who 
love art are invented to make a digital game inspired by the Philadelphia 
Museum of Art. Teams can be up to 6 people.
What: Game design hackathon, month-long competition
When: April 5-May 3rd

More: Join us for our second annual #HacktheMuseum challenge. This year your 
team of up to six people will have one month to create a digital game inspired 
by the Museum. Hackers will have access to wayfinding iBeacons, a GitHub 
repository with a massive dataset of art on view, Museum gallery blueprint 
files, and Q&As with Museum staff. Experiments with augmented and virtual 
reality are encouraged. This year, we've doubled the prize money to $2,000 and 
added a People's Choice Award worth $500. Top teams will present projects to a 
panel of judges and the public on the evening of Wednesday, May 3rd during 
Philly Tech Week. Philly's own makerspace, Hive76, is designing a HackLab in 
our main building, and for three Wednesday nights in April we'll provide a 
workspace, snacks, plenty of coffee, and Museum staff to answer your questions. 
Last year all competing spots sold out, and we anticipate that happening again. 
Register as a team or an individual today.


Challenge Details

Create a digital game inspired by the Museum. Full judging criteria and the 
Museum datasets will be revealed during our kickoff on Wednesday, April 5. 
Teams can have up to six members. Bring a team or form one at the kickoff.

Your Hackathon Ticket Includes:
*         Admission to the Hackathon 2.0 kickoff on April 5 and Hacklabs on 
April 12 and 19
*         A GitHub repository containing access to iBeacons installed in the 
Museum; collections information for artworks on view in a JSON file, including 
thumbnail and large image assets; and digital floor plans of the Museum
*         Team workspace designed by Hive76
*         Food and drinks
*         Access to Museum staff for questions about Museum data, art, and 
*         Sougwen Chung, Google VR Tilt Brush Artist in Residence and Artist in 
Residence at Bell Labs. Twitter @sougwen
*         Youngmoo Kim, Director of the ExCITe Center and Associate Professor 
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University. Twitter @youngmoo
*         Yasmine Mustafa, Founder of ROAR for Good. Twitter @myasmine
*         Mjumbe Poe, Cofounder and CTO of FixList. Twitter @mjumbewu
*         Corinne Warnshuis, Executive Director of Girl Develop It. Twitter 

Rules and Prizes
Teams must submit their games online by April 28, 2017. Judges will review each 
entry and notify final teams by May 1. The top five teams will present their 
games to judges and a public audience on Wednesday, May 3. The winning team 
receives a prize of $2,000. The audience's favorite takes home the People's 
Choice award and $500.


Karina Wratschko
Special Projects Librarian

t 215-684-7656
f 215-684-0534

Philadelphia Museum of Art
PO Box 7646, Philadelphia, PA  19101-7646<>

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