It depends a great deal on what you wish to accomplish. Recording visitors is 
relatively easy. It’s the visitor experience design and the the back end that 
are tricky: how you guide the visitors and what you do with the recordings. In 
other words, how does this become meaningful for the visitor.

In my experience, institutions are motivated to create oral history recording 
booths because they see inherent value in collecting oral histories, but they 
have not considered the visitors. Why would they want to do this? What should 
they say? What is their reward? Do you really want a fun visitor exhibit, or 
something more formal and academically meaningful?

We’ve done this several times in a variety of ways. I’m happy to discuss ideas 
with you. My contact information is below.

We’ve done a ton of oral history work for OKCNMM, though not a visitor 
recording booth. If you run into Dustin Potter at OKCNMM, say “hi" for me, and 
pigeon-hole him. He’d be a good one to bounce around ideas. And feel free to 
call me. I’m always happy to chat.


Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
2233 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20007

> On Apr 14, 2017, at 2:22 PM, Jason Bondy <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My apologies if this has been discussed here before, but I didn't find 
> anything when I searched the archive.
> We are planning an exhibit and would like to set up an oral history recording 
> booth for visitors to record their stories on the topic.  I know this has 
> been done before, but not in our museum and I'm not sure of the best way to 
> go about it.  Would anyone here have experience with this and would like to 
> offer any tips or advice?
> Feel free to contact me off list if needed.
> Thank you in advance!
> Jason Bondy
> Exhibits AV/IT | Oklahoma History Center
> 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
> (405) 522-0783
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