Dear MCNers,

A few weeks ago I posted about BPOC’s partnership with Ithaka S+R on a 
collections management study on behalf of LYRASIS and funded by the Andrew W. 
Mellon Foundation, to investigate the technology landscape and evolving tactics 
and strategy around collections management in museums. Here’s the press 
release: Many thanks to those of you who responded 
off-list, it was very helpful.

The study will be a combination of survey and interviews and the survey part is 
now ready ( I very much hope you will take time to 
participate. This is a great opportunity for all of us involved, directly or 
indirectly, with collections management to share how we are using those systems 
and the challenges and opportunities we face. Please contribute your voice and 
opinions. We will be reporting out to the community starting in Spring of 2018 
and already have some confirmed conference sessions to discuss our findings, 
which we envision will be relevant and valuable to the collections management 
communities, museum leadership and the vendors who support us. 

Collections management is a broad topic and fundamental to our missions and so 
the survey is necessarily detailed. SurveyGizmo tells me it should take 19 
minutes to complete, it also grades it low on Fatigue and high on 
Accessibility, with all but the last question requiring that you write 
something rather than select an option or grade a statement. It can be 
anonymous if that helps with your candor, but I’m hoping you’ll let us know who 
you are.

Here’s the link: please take the survey or forward to 
a colleague who will.

Thank you in advance.


Nik Honeysett | Chief Executive Officer | BPOC |

M (805) 402-3326  P (619) 331-1974  E 
1549 El Prado, Suite 8, San Diego, CA 92101

A technology collaboration that connects audiences to art, culture and science.


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