Please see below the CfP for the Museum Innovation Forum and MCNx New Orleans. 
It will take place on May 18, right before the AAM Conference in New Orleans.

The Museum Innovation Forum: Building More Equitable, Relevant and Impactful 

New Orleans Jazz Museum

May 18, 2019<>

Now, more than ever, museums are critically reflecting upon their practices and 
striving to adopt innovative approaches to their civic responsibilities. 
Whether the innovation is a new or enhanced technology, business model or 
service, museums are becoming more socially, culturally, environmentally and 
politically aware of their surroundings. From the devastating environmental 
crises to human rights abuses, violence, as well as racial and economic 
inequities, museums as civic institutions have a moral duty to take actions to 
make the world a better place.

How can museums be innovative in addressing social issues using both digital 
and non-digital tools? How are the organizational structures (i.e. values, 
behaviors and organizational design) hindering or helping museums achieve their 
aspirations as agents for social change? How can museums balance the need to 
increase earned revenues and their social objectives? How can museums establish 
sustainable relationships with communities of color, LGBTQ, and people with 
different abilities, and affirm their relevance as viable community partners? 
What strategies can museums adopt to be more inclusive and equitable 
organizations? How can museums decolonize their collections, narratives and 
representations in the physical and virtual spaces?

This Forum explores the role of contemporary museums in society. It assumes 
that the role of contemporary museums goes beyond the basic functions of 
collecting, exhibiting and interpreting cultural heritage. Looking both 
internally (within the museum) and externally, The Museum Innovation Forum will 
discuss digital, social and business model innovations from the museum sector 
and beyond which can help museums be more effective agents for social change.

The Forum invites scholars, experts and practitioners to submit proposals that 
challenge current assumptions and provoke new thinking in the museum discourse.

Session Formats

The Forum seeks proposals for the following session formats:

1.      Formal Paper: Complete papers must be between 3500 – 5000 words in APA 
style. Selected papers will be invited for inclusion in an edited book, which 
will be, subject to peer review, published by Routledge in 2020-21. Each paper 
will be given 20 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A. The full 
manuscript is due on September 1, 2019.

2.      Panel Discussion: Consists of multiple panelists. Each panel must be 45 
minutes plus 15 minutes for Q&A.

3.      Presentation/Case Study: Share your leading research or innovative work 
in a 20-munite presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A. No formal paper is required.

4.      Performance and Visual Art: Show your talent and artistic expression 
related to the Forum’s theme. Performances must be no longer than 15 minutes. 
Only two-dimensional artwork will be considered. Shipping and insurance are the 
responsibility of the artists.

5.      Creative Session: We are also interested in creative sessions that may 
not fit any of the previous categories.

The Forum does not offer any travel grants or honorariums. However, presenters 
will receive 25% discount for their registration. All proposals for the 
previous session formats must be no longer than 400 words.

Virtual Presentation

Online presentation through video conferencing is available to those who cannot 
attend in-person.

 MCNx New Orleans

MCNx is an initiative by MCN (Museum Computer Network) to grow and support 
regional networks of museum innovators. MCNx New Orleans will take place during 
the forum and is dedicated to discussing how digital innovation can help 
museums achieve their missions as agents for social change. Please use the 
above guidelines to propose a session for MCNx New Orleans.

 Key Dates

Deadline to submit a proposal

March 15

Notification of accepted proposals

April 1

Deadline to submit complete papers (If the paper is selected for inclusion in 
the book, the author will work closely with the book co-editors to make sure 
that her/his manuscript satisfies the book style and conceptual framework)

September 15

Submissions and Inquiries:

All submissions must be made online<>.
 For inquiries, please send an email to


Haitham Eid, PhD

President, Faculty Senate

Associate Professor/Director
Southern University at New Orleans
Master of Arts in Museum Studies Program
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Building
2nd Floor, Office 215
6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126
Email:<> | Tel: (504) 286-5010 | Fax: (504) 

transmission is either private, confidential, privileged or constitutes work 
product, and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named above. If 
you are not the intended recipient, be advised that unauthorized use, 
disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on 
this information is strictly prohibited.
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