Dear colleagues,

To allow for the British universities strike, we've extended the call until
Wednesday February 26th. We hope to complete our review and start letting
successful applicants know from Friday February 28th.


Check out my book!
P.S. I mostly use this address for list mail and don't check it daily

On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 14:13, Mia <> wrote:

> Dear MCN,
> I'm excited to announce that we - Mia Ridge <> 
> (British
> Library), Meghan Ferriter <> (Library of
> Congress) and Sam Blickhan <> (Zooniverse)
> - have been awarded an AHRC UK-US Partnership Development Grant. Our
> overarching goals are:
>    - To foster an international community of practice in crowdsourcing in
>    cultural heritage (if you're reading this, that might already include you!)
>    - To capture and disseminate the state of the art and promote
>    knowledge exchange in crowdsourcing and digitally-enabled participation
>    - To set a research agenda and generate shared understandings of
>    unsolved or tricky problems that could lead to future funding applications
> We've written a blog post that explains how we're planning to achieve
> those goals -
>  -
> and more importantly, another post on how you can get involved
> We're holding a five day collaborative '*book sprint*' (or writing
> workshop) at the Peale Center for Baltimore History and Architecture
> <> from *19 - 24th April 2020*. Working
> with up to 12 other collaborators, we'll write a high-quality book that
> provides a comprehensive, practical and authoritative guide to
> crowdsourcing and digitally-enabled participation projects in the cultural
> heritage sector. We want to provide an effective road map for cultural
> institutions hoping to use crowdsourcing for the first time and a resource
> for institutions already using crowdsourcing to benchmark their work.
> Could you be one of those collaborators? We're looking for book sprint
> participants who are enthusiastic, experienced and engaged, with expertise
> at any point in the life cycle of crowdsourcing and digital participation.
> Your expertise might have been gained through hands-on experience on
> projects or by conducting research. We have a generous definition of
> 'digitally-enabled participation', including not-entirely-digital
> volunteering projects around cultural heritage collections, and activities
> that go beyond typical collection-centric 'crowdsourcing' tasks like
> transcription, classification and description. Got questions? Please email
> *How to apply*
>    1. Read Call for participants: April 2020 book sprint on the state of
>    the art in crowdsourcing in cultural heritage
> <>
>    2. Read the Book Sprint FAQs <> to
>    make sure you're aware of the process and commitment required
>    3. Fill in this short Google Form <> by
>    midnight GMT February 21st
> We'll review applications and let people know by February 25th, 2020.
> If you can't make the book sprint but would still like to contribute,
> we've got you covered! We'll publish the first version of the book online
> for comment and feedback. Book sprints can't accommodate remote
> participation, so this is our best way of including the vast amounts of
> expertise not in the room.
> You can sign up to the British Library's crowdsourcing newsletters
> <>
>  for
> updates, or join our Crowdsourcing group on Humanities Commons
> <>
>  set
> up to share progress and engage in discussion with the wider community.
> Cheers,
> Mia
> --------------------------------------------
> Check out my book!
> P.S. I mostly use this address for list mail and don't check it daily
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