***Deadline for recommendations is May 31, 2020***
As ARCS continues to expand, so do the demands of our committees and task
forces. We are taking on more exciting projects and continuing to provide
new opportunities that benefit our members. As we begin to prepare for the
2021 conference in Montréal, we need more volunteers to help our
organization thrive and grow.

Please nominate an ARCS member who you believe would be an energetic,
knowledgeable, and engaged part of our active professional association.
Self-nominations are also accepted. The following volunteer positions are

-Archives Task Force Co-Chairs
-Conference Committee Logistics Task Force Chair
-Conference Committee Logistics Task Force Members
-Conference Committee Content Task Force Members
-Education Committee Chair
-Education Committee Members
-Emergency Task Force Members
-Meet-Ups Task Force Chair
-Travel Stipends Committee Chair
-Travel Stipends Committee Member
To see descriptions of each of these positions:

Please send contact information, a resume, and a statement of interest from
the nominee to the Nominations Committee via the Vice President at
vicepresid...@arcsinfo.org using the position of interest as the subject
line. Deadline for recommendations is May 31, 2020.

The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote Registrars and Collections
Specialists, to educate them in the best practices of registration and
collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking. Committee
and task force members must be current ARCS members in good standing.
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