***Letter from our President***
Dear ARCS Members and Supporters,
On behalf of ARCS, thank you for your continued support and membership in
this wonderful community of registrars and collections specialists. This
past year brought highs, like our 2019 Biennial Conference, and lows, as we
weathered a global pandemic shuttering many of our workplaces. Through it
all you, our members, have been at the forefront of our thoughts, plans,
and actions. As I take over the helm of this wonderful organization, I
would like to take a look back at the past fiscal year and the many
accomplishments of our FY20 Board of Directors and President Emeritus,
Danielle Bennett.

Our continued partnership with Tecker International garnered a
research-based strategic plan that we have been getting into action. It
involves many of you dedicating your time to actively help ARCS on many
fronts, and for that we are very grateful. The accomplishments of our
various Committees would not be possible without all of you.

Our Education Committee started off the year with a webinar on
“Conservation Red Flags: Warning Signs for Your Collection.” Additionally,
our in-person Courier Training Workshop in March was a great success with
40 attendees.

We have been delighted to continue ARCS Chat via our YouTube channel with
topics ranging from “Budgeting on a Shoestring” to a partnership with the C
Word Podcast.

The traditional pre-conference service event, Les Bénévoles, was a great
success in Philadelphia. You can check out more about the conference on our
YouTube channel, with presentations (currently free to non-members),
information on our sponsors, and our travel awards.

As we entered 2020, COVID-19 took hold of the world. We have seen the
devastating effects on our museums, communities, and for many, our jobs.
Our Membership Advocacy Task Force took the reins to develop “Essential
Worker: Self-Advocacy During and After the COVID Pandemic.” We also worked
with our shipping and insurance sponsors to bring you up-to-date
information on the effects COVID-19 is having on our broader community.

As we enter this next fiscal year, ARCS will continue to bring you engaging
content, workshops, and webinars, and we continue to plan for our 2021
Biennial Conference in Montréal. We will continue to advocate for our
members and be a resource to help you in any way we can. I encourage you to
reach out to us at i...@arcsinfo.org, use the ARCS Forum to ask questions,
give feedback, or submit ideas. We want to hear from you!

Take Care,
Toni M. Kiser
President, ARCS Board of Directors
Assistant Director for Collections Management, The National WWII Museum

***New ARCS Board Members Welcome! ***
The ARCS Board of Directors would like to welcome our newest Board Members:

Chris Helms
Collections Manager
Adler Planetarium

Cynthia Tovar
Senior Associate Registrar Permanent Collection

Alicia B. Thomas

You will be finding out more about these newest members of the ARCS Board
of Directors in upcoming ARCS Updates, but we want to wish them a warm
welcome to our organization! To see a full list of our current Board of
Directors: http://www.arcsinfo.org/about/board-of-directors

***ARCS Forum***
More and more museums are starting to reopen after the global shutdowns due
to COVID-19. Social distancing, timed tickets, masks, and hand sanitizer
have become standard. What does reopening look like for your institution,
especially in regard to registration and collections management? What
solutions are you finding for couriers while travel restrictions are still
in place? Let us know on the ARCS Forum-http://www.arcsinfo.org/forum
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