Hi, everyone!

At Wiki Education, we're continuing to serve our community during the
COVID-19 pandemic. We recently announced upcoming opportunities** to join
our popular 3-week virtual courses with the Wikidata Institute. We'll meet
twice a week with participants—primarily librarians, archivists, and other
data professionals. We've worked with several people we met through this
listserv, and if you're looking for virtual projects and networking
opportunities, we'd love for you to join us.

If your GLAM institution has a special collection or focus you wish the
world knew more about, Wikidata may be the right platform for you. By
sharing related institutional data on Wikidata, the open data repository
behind Wikipedia, you can use your institution’s unique identifier to bring
exposure to your data, drive traffic to your website, and situate your
institution as a leader with that collection. With online meetings twice a
week via Zoom, the Wikidata Institute gives you one-on-one coaching from
our Wikidata expert, the chance to conceptualize online projects for your
institution, and a network of your peers cheering you on. (Read more about
how one of our course alumni has made Wikidata invaluable to advancing her
mission at the Met.***)

Some things we love about Wikidata:
* Wikidata is an accessible platform for learning and developing linked
data and linked data skills
* Adding your collection data to Wikidata (or enhancing your collection's
data with data from Wikidata) will help with visibility, discoverability,
and representation online
* Wikidata’s Query service has powerful visualization tools which can
reveal new insights about your collections and collection data
* Behind Wikidata is an open community of linked data enthusiasts. Joining
this community will allow you to contribute and participate in discussions
that will have an impact on knowledge creation, Wikipedia, and open data
across the internet

If you or your colleagues are interested in joining, please take a look at
the upcoming opportunities. We have group discounts and limited financial
aid available for anyone without access to professional development funds
during this difficult time. I hope you'll join us and consider sharing with
your networks. Course details are available at learn.wikiedu.org.


** http://learn.wikiedu.org/

Jami Mathewson
Director of Partnerships
Wiki Education
j...@wikiedu.org <j...@wikiedfoundation.org>
User:Jami (Wiki Ed) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jami_(Wiki_Ed)>
Pronouns <https://www.mypronouns.org/>: she/her/hers
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