Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We’ve just published a suite of materials that came out of the Software
Preservation Network’s recent Fostering Communities of Practice project,
and today we want to highlight our Research reports
<>. This suite of
preservation and emulation resources includes project research fellow Dr.
Amelia Acker’s two research outputs, an emulation white paper (intended for
information professionals, institutional administrators, and funders), an
empirical study of preservationists implementing emulation programs, and
research instruments for data collection related to the project.

If you’re able, we’d love for you to share them far and wide!

Thanks, and get in touch with Jessica Meyerson <>with
any questions or feedback.

All best,

Hannah Ballard <>
Director of Communications
Educopia Institute <>
Follow us on Twitter <>!

Working from Lawrence, KS
Pronouns: she/her/hers
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