Hi MCNers,

Hope this email finds everyone well and your museums reopened!

To help track and compare recovery, we've made our visitation dashboard
with benchmarks free - together with a special MCN group for this community
to establish a MCN specific cohort. It's a great tool to manage visitation
data and track your recovery, with the added benefit of seeing this journey
in the context of how industry peers are doing globally, locally and in the
group (all while keeping your own data secure).

To join and be part of the MCN benchmarking community go to
https://dexibit.com/product/join-dashboard-mcn/. Or more info, see
join.dexibit.com. Please reach out if you're already using Dexibit and want
to join the MCN group, or have other groups you'd like us to setup.

A few highlights on the latest - most museums reopened at around 20% of the
equivalent day last year and are tracking gently upwards in the first month
or so. Last week across the US, the average for museums was 35% of normal,
on par with the UK but slightly down from August.

Wishing you all the best in welcoming visitors back through the doors again.

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