Dear Colleagues,

There are so many opportunities to participate in the Software Preservation
Network <> (SPN) in 2021! You
can work with SPN on community outreach, law and policy, metadata,
infrastructure, and education. There are opportunities available to plan
events with allied organizations, participate in petitions for exemptions
to the DMCA to support software preservation, develop metadata guidelines
for software, analyzing technical infrastructure available for providing
access to software, and developing educational materials for those
interested in supporting software preservation. No matter what aspect of
software preservation motivates you, there is an opportunity to be involved
with SPN. Learn more about all of the working groups here
<>. Express
your interest by completing the nomination form
<> by January 22, 2021.

Best wishes,

Hannah Ballard <>
Director of Communications
Educopia Institute <>
Follow us on Twitter <>!

Working from Lawrence, KS
Pronouns: she/her/hers
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