
I configured monogdb registration and when the registration receive 
messages getting below error,

D, [2017-03-25T13:34:45.379511 #21619] DEBUG -- : registration.rb:100:in 
`handlemsg' Updated data for host server61273.domain.com with id  in 
E, [2017-03-25T13:34:45.379731 #21619] ERROR -- : agents.rb:138:in 
`dispatch' Execution of registration failed: undefined method `[]' for 
E, [2017-03-25T13:34:45.379887 #21619] ERROR -- : agents.rb:139:in 
`dispatch' /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/registration.rb:95:in 
                /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:67:in `timeout'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/mcollective/unix_daemon.rb:13:in `daemonize'

I configured registration agent as mentioned 

Here are the version am using,

MongoDB server version: 3.4.2
Gem mongo version : mongo
ruby version : 1.8.7

Any help please..


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