
With the next release in a few weeks a number of big changes will happen and I 
wanted to give you a headsup and solicit some help with testing:

There is a new Choria Broker released for EL5, 6, 7, Stretch and Xenial. This 
is a managed NATS instance with super minimal configuration.  Configured using 
the choria::broker class.

Proposed documentation for this here: 

The NATS installation is deprecated and not recommended.  The module will 
support ensure => absent.  This is not to say we do not buy into NATS, it means 
we now recommend the Choria Broker which is a managed NATS instance.  NATS docs 
will be removed.

The Ruby based Federation Broker is deprecated and being replaced by the same 
Choria Broker.  This too is configured using choria::broker.  This is basically 
the same thing, same config, same behaviours etc, its written in Go and where 
you previously had to faff around with extra daemons and multiple instances and 
all sorts of nasty things - it's all hosted in the Choria Broker now and runs 
10 instances by default.  Much easier, lighter and more performant.

Proposed Federation Broker docs here: http://dev.choria.io/docs/federation/

I am shipping a first edition of new Data Adapters, I am not sure this will be 
useful to people just yet but worth a look.  Today it only supports NATS 
Streaming.  If any of you ever wanted to build really large scale metadata 
ingest about your nodes lets chat about how this can help you. This will help 
everyone though who want to ingest data from Choria into other systems.

Especially I am keen to explore asynchronous RPC a bit more soon, this will be 
foundational to that.

Proposed docs for this: http://dev.choria.io/docs/adapters/

R.I.Pienaar / www.devco.net / @ripienaar


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