[01:03:48]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad joined the game.
[01:28:29]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad left the game.
[02:18:43]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad joined the game.
[02:22:17]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad left the game.
[02:51:43]      mc-snapshot     [world] RuckMurler joined the game.
[03:01:30]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 joined the game.
[03:01:34]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> hiii\
[03:01:36]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> hi
[03:02:02]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 猜猜我是谁
[03:02:12]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> occ?
[03:02:16]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> wa
[03:02:30]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 猜对了?2333
[03:02:33]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> en
[03:02:48]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 你怎么用你弟弟的号啊2333
[03:02:59]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 他在旁别啊
[03:03:08]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 2333等着你下?\
[03:03:22]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 没我先吃好饭而已
[03:03:31]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 都吃了饭了?!
[03:03:45]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 你们不吃饭的
[03:03:54]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 有点早2333
[03:03:56]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 重庆牛逼啊
[03:04:05]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 天还没黑呢
[03:04:10]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> wowo
[03:05:07]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 2333
[03:05:23]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 村民受伤后会强制取消交易啊
[03:05:26]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 嗯
[03:05:37]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 我试试一个bug
[03:05:53]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 快照好像
[03:06:08]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> light吗
[03:06:13]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 对
[03:07:12]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 我知道闪电的碰撞箱了2333
[03:07:25]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> f3 b
[03:08:31]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 has changed game mode: 
[03:08:32]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 has changed game mode: 
[03:09:10]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 下啦88
[03:09:14]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 88
[03:09:19]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 我听说op不能常玩2333
[03:09:25]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 这样的嘛
[03:09:33]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 而且也毕业了2333
[03:09:39]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 好吧
[03:09:42]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 88
[03:09:48]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 left the game.
[03:15:36]      mc-snapshot     [world] RuckMurler left the game.
[03:26:07]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad joined the game.
[03:31:11]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad hit the ground too hard
[03:34:49]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad tried to swim in lava
[03:35:08]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad left the game.
[03:38:06]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad joined the game.
[03:40:50]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad left the game.
[04:18:40]      mc-snapshot     [world] zhuyan joined the game.
[05:45:02]      mc-snapshot     [world] zhuyan left the game.
[18:05:29]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad joined the game.
[18:19:43]      mc-snapshot     [world] Ghost_zongzi_Bad left the game.
[20:38:05]      mayli   没人玩了?
[20:58:13]      mc-snapshot     [world] RuckMurler joined the game.
[22:37:05]      mc-snapshot     [world] MC_wenxiang joined the game for the 
very first time.
[22:37:13]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> HIII
[22:37:24]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> hi
[22:37:56]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> ....
[22:38:20]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 你是新玩家吗
[22:38:59]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 不知道什么时候加的这个服务器
[22:39:25]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 好吧
[22:39:40]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 你距离我118米
[22:40:17]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 服主是谁
[22:40:21]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> mingling
[22:40:52]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 是正版服么
[22:41:03]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 好像不是
[22:41:16]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 因为有个玩家不是正版
[22:41:24]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 开服有多久
[22:41:34]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 20天左右
[22:41:41]      mctime  [zhuyan] /斜眼笑
[22:41:56]      mctime  [occpured] mctime终于活了
[22:42:02]      mctime  [mining li] test
[22:42:04]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 我好像不止20天....
[22:42:07]      mctime  [mining li] lol
[22:42:21]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 服务器新开了啊
[22:42:35]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 有QQ群么
[22:42:46]      mctime  [occpured] 你加了啊兄弟
[22:43:03]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 我似乎没权限
[22:43:05]      mctime  [zhuyan] 吻翔嘛
[22:43:22]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 群太多
[22:43:32]      mctime  [occpured] zhuyan同学请低俗点
[22:43:37]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 蚊香....
[22:43:59]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 你离23米我看不见你
[22:44:27]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 我好像在监狱....
[22:44:40]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> warp occpured
[22:45:06]      mc-snapshot     [world] <MC_wenxiang> 我没权限的
[22:45:16]      mctime  [occpured] 那我帮你越狱
[22:45:32]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 233
[22:45:40]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 终于找到群了……
[22:45:57]      mctime  [occpured] 我帮你越狱哈
[22:46:45]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> wait
[22:48:35]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 接好
[22:48:49]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 谢了
[22:49:01]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 要不要参观一下
[22:49:17]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 可以
[22:49:32]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 扔眼镜把
[22:49:41]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 看到前面那房子没
[22:49:49]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> zhuyan的
[22:50:05]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 233
[22:50:50]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 这个是我的水上的
[22:51:06]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 我的id occpured 我在用我弟账号玩233
[22:54:35]      mctime  [occpured] 你昏迷了 需要治疗
[22:56:32]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 233
[22:56:40]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 你被强化了快上
[22:57:09]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 飞过来参观参观吧
[22:57:09]      mctime  [BadPig03] [图片]
[22:57:10]      mctime  [BadPig03] 哈
[22:57:30]      mctime  [occpured] 成就吗
[22:57:41]      mctime  [occpured] pig有人需要权限了
[22:58:36]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 兄弟住地下室吗
[22:58:37]      mctime  [BadPig03] 谁?
[22:58:42]      mctime  [occpured] wenxiang
[22:58:51]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 可以的
[22:58:52]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 谢谢
[22:59:11]      mctime  [BadPig03] 好吧
[22:59:23]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 joined the game.
[22:59:28]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 left the game.: [玩家系统] 错误的密码
[22:59:29]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> hiiii
[22:59:32]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 joined the game.
[22:59:39]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 left the game.: [玩家系统] 错误的密码
[22:59:44]      mc-snapshot     [world] BadPig03 joined the game.
[22:59:50]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 密码错了
[22:59:51]      mc-snapshot     [world] MC_wenxiang left the game.
[22:59:58]      mctime  [BadPig03] 我忘了关大写
[23:00:07]      mctime  [BadPig03] 为什么我一来他就退了?
[23:00:18]      mctime  [occpured] 上次也这样233
[23:00:36]      mctime  [BadPig03]  @wen_xiang 你不进游戏的话我没法给你提权限哇
[23:01:32]      mctime  [youpao] sky同学历史重现
[23:01:37]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 23333
[23:01:43]      mctime  [youpao] 偶吼吼
[23:01:56]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 说出来你可能不相信
[23:01:58]      mc-snapshot     [world] <BadPig03> 我还在做地图
[23:02:01]      mctime  [wen_xiang] 我家停电了
[23:02:04]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> pig小黑那里铁轨坏了
[23:02:05]      mctime  [wen_xiang] [图片]
[23:02:09]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 66666
[23:02:32]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> 有人动了?
[23:02:34]      mctime  [occpured] [图片]
[23:02:41]      mctime  [occpured] occ弄坏了
[23:02:43]      mctime  [occpured] 233
[23:02:55]      mctime  [occpured] 而且修不好
[23:03:06]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> 好了
[23:03:11]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> 顺序问题
[23:03:40]      mc-snapshot     [world] <RuckMurler> 弄了半天铁轨弄不好
[23:03:56]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> 要先放下面的2333
[23:04:01]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> 再放动力铁轨
[23:04:15]      mctime  [occpured] 一脸傻逼不会放
[23:04:55]      mctime  [occpured] 先下了晚上继续打mc
[23:04:57]      mc-snapshot     [world] RuckMurler left the game.
[23:05:11]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] <BadPig03> ok
[23:05:14]      mc-snapshot     [world_the_end] BadPig03 left the game.
[23:05:34]      mctime  [BadPig03] [图片]
[23:06:06]      mctime  [BadPig03] (难得自己做地图能做完教程后还有兴趣的2333
[23:08:28]      mctime  [mining li] [图片]
[23:09:07]      mctime  [BadPig03] 快照不兼容的吧
[23:09:37]      mc-snapshot     [world] miningli joined the game.
[23:09:53]      mctime  [youpao] 看wiki,涨知识
[23:10:00]      mc-snapshot     [world] <miningli> hi all
[23:10:55]      mctime  [BadPig03] hi 2333
[23:11:13]      mctime  [BadPig03] [图片]
[23:11:19]      mctime  [BadPig03] 猜猜这是什么方块
[23:11:57]      mctime  [mining li] [图片]
[23:11:58]      mctime  [mining li] 这个修的太高了
[23:12:05]      mctime  [mining li] 每层5格高
[23:12:09]      mctime  [BadPig03] 高?
[23:12:24]      mctime  [BadPig03] 那你把顶部削了吧2333
[23:12:35]      mctime  [BadPig03] 总之出生玩家没有其他人帮助没法处理
[23:12:40]      mctime  [BadPig03] *出来
[23:13:16]      mc-snapshot     [world] miningli has changed game mode: 
[23:16:55]      mc-snapshot     [world] miningli has changed game mode: 
[23:17:50]      mc-snapshot     [world] miningli left the game.
[23:42:15]      mctime  [zhuyan] 服务器有人吗
[23:42:52]      mc-snapshot     [world] zhuyan joined the game.
[23:46:53]      mc-snapshot     [world] zhuyan was slain by Zombie
[23:47:11]      mctime  [zhuyan] 握草隐形僵尸

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