Please!  I just want to read about MDs and Japanese Love Holidays!  It's
the same people expressing the same opinions over & over (notably Salzberg,
the Rat, and Magic).

This was the last straw for me, from Magic:
>> "No action may be brought under this title alleging
>> infringement of copyright based on the manufacture,
>> importation, or distribution of a digital audio
>> recording device, a digital audio recording medium, an
>> analog recording device, or an analog recording
>> medium, or based on the noncommercial use by a
>> consumer of such a device or medium for making digital
>> musical recordings or analog musical recordings."
>This just says you can't sue people for supplying equipment which can be
>used to infringe copyright. It does not say you are allowed to breach
>copyright at all.
>It says that if I were Richer Sounds for example, and I sell you an MD
>recorder, nobody can sue me if you then go and copy somebody elses CD with
>it. It does NOT say you can breach copyright and get away with it.
To me this paragraph makes noncommercial consumer recording unactionable.
You're saying if I as a consumer used a MD device _commercially_ to copy
copyrighted material the manufacturer, importer, or distributor would be
liable?  (I know I would be.)

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