Subject: Re: MD: Re: It's that time again (the AHRA and copying)


>>Huh?  That's not part of the AHRA as you imply it is, see
>> for the full text. Here's a big clue,
>>'phonorecords' is a little dated language don't you think?
>I never claimed it was part of the AHRA; my post was a direct response to
>the previous message which quoted part of US copyright law. I was
>pointing out that he was not quoting all relevant portions, and then
>quoted those portions.

That's just not so!  Your original post started out:

>Seth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     Have any of you bothered to read the American
>>Home Recording Act of 1976 and it's 1992 Ammendment
>>before showing the list your ignorance regarding the

So the discussion was specifically about the content of the AHRA, and then
you wrote 'other sections that you didn't quote (see below)' and 'here's a
part you didn't quote' as if Seth were being deceptive (which really got to
me), and proceeded to dredge up older portions of the copyright law as if
they were part of the AHRA or somehow superceded the AHRA.


>>The text you quote doesn't distinguish whether you own an album or not
>>(neither does the AHRA).  The text you quote implies any copying is
>>illegal.  As you say, "note the words 'exclusive rights'".
>1) It doesn't have to distinguish whether you own the album or not. It
>says that the person who owns the copyright to the work has exclusive
>rights on copying and distribution. That means that to copy it and/or
>give that copy to someone else, you need their permission.

_You_ are the one who commented "It is *very* clear that copying an album
you do not own is violating the rights of the owner of the copyright".

By the way, md-list, can anyone quote me any of the US copyright law that
implies owning a copy of a work gives you some sort of extra right to make
another copy?  That notion has been expressed here more than once but I
haven't seen that in any of the legal quotes so far.  (I know for computer
software it is customary for the copyright holder to license the owner to
make a backup copy.)

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