On 20/02/19 16.15, Syafril Hermansyah (syaf...@dutaint.co.id) wrote:

Aktifkan dynamic screening

New Dynamic Screening dan Location Screening ini merupakan mail firewall
di MDaemon, transaksi blockingnya tidak tercatat di smtp-in log
melainkan di screening log dan DynScrn log.
Jadi pastikan screening log aktif


[x] Enable the Dynamic Screening service

[x] Enable Authentication Failure Tracking
[x] Enable Dynamic Screening Blacklist
[x] Enable Dynamic Screening Whitelist

Log level = Info
menu yang lain bisa ikuti standar instalasi (di gambar).


[x] Ignore authentication attempts using identical passwords

Block addresses after 10 authentication failures within 1 Days

[x] Enable IPv4 aggregation as low as x.x.x.x/ 24 identical bits (CIDR)

[ ] Enable IPv6 aggregation as low as x::::x:x/ [xx] identical bits (CIDR)

Multiple Offense Penalties

Default expiration timeout = 4 hours
Second offense penalty = 2 days
Third offense penalty = 3 days
Fourth offense penalty = 4 days

Account Freezing Options

[ ] Freeze accounts that fail authentication [xx] times within [xx]
[Minutes | Hours | Days]


Authentication Failure Reports
[x] Notify when an account's Auth failure count reaches [xx] occurrences
[ ] Send report to global postmaster
[x] Send report to global admins

Frozen Accounts Report
[x] Notify when an account is frozen
[ ] Send report to global postmaster
[x] Send report to global admins

IP Address Blocking Reports
[x] Notify when an IP address is blocked (including those blocked via
the API)
[ ] Send report to global postmaster
[x] Send report to global admins

Expiration Reports
[x] Send reports on blocked addresses as their records expire
[x] Send reports on exempt/whitelisted addresses as their records expire
[x] Send reports on frozen accounts that are automatically thawed
[ ] Send report to global postmaster
[x] Send report to global admins

Global Administrator bisa di set dari account manager


[x] Account is a global administrator

Jika ada hacker dari negara sendiri masukkan block IPnya ke dynamic


periksa secara berkala MDaemom Notification message perihal mail masuk
ke holding queue, account di freeze yang ditujukan ke postmaster account
alias atau ke akun yang ditunjuk (mempunyai Role) sebagai Global

Aktifkan account hijack Detection

Kalau suatu akun terkena hijack maka akan banyak sekali spam mail
terkirim ke internet sehingga membuat server kita diblock oleh banyak
receiver domain atau masuk kedalam DNS-BL, jadi perlu dihindari demi
kebaikkan bersama untuk seluruh user.

Untuk meminimalisasi hal itu maka aktifkan account Hijack Detection


[x] Limit messages sent from reserved IPs to [xx] msgs in [xx] minutes
[x] Limit messages sent from local IPs to [xx] msgs in [xx] minutes

[x] Include LAN IPs when limiting local IPs
[x] Send 5XX when limit is reached
[x] Freeze accounts when limit is reached

Pengaktifan Strong Password

Pengaktifan Strong Password dimulai dari Account Template


[x] Account must change mailbox password before it can connect

dan hak akses untuk ganti password diberikan ke user


[x] Enable Webmail access
[x] Enable Remote Administration access

Remote Administration Allows User to...

[x] ...edit password

Saat akun baru dibuat bisa diberikan strong password yang standard,
mudah diinformasikan lewat telepon/voice, sms misalkan standar yang
digunakan = NamaPerusahaan### atau $JargonPerusahaan$

Setelah itu minta user baru  akses ke webmail untuk ganti passwordnya
dengan strong password


Pastikan browser yang digunakan user disable POPup blocing atau allow
link webmail

http://mail.domain.tld untuk popup di PC client.


Prasyarat agar mereka ganti password dengan strong password maka
pastikan menu berikut aktif


[x] Require strong passwords

Minimum password length: 6

klik "Edit the bad password file"

daftar password yang mudah ditebak dimasukkan kedalam daftar "bad password"



Tindakan Penanggulangan kalau akun sudah terkena Hijack

--- dilanjutkan ke bagian 3 -->

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.5.2-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.
        --- Albert Einstein

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.5.2, SG 6.0

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