>Itu log apa, dapat dari mana?
>Kalau dari MDaemon, berikan log aslinya, jangan dipotong-potong.

Dari bouncing email

-----Original Message-----
From: MDaemon at mail.eaglehighplantations.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 11:21 AM
To: bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com
Subject: WARNING: Message delivery failed

=  Greetings from the MDaemon mail system at mail.eaglehighplantations.com

The following message:

     Session-ID: 05822902 (specific to this delivery attempt)
       Queue-ID: pd3501000552842.msg
     Message-ID: wc20211124041938.791...@eaglehighplantations.com

could not be delivered to the following recipient(s):

     d...@caveo.co.id (unrecoverable error)
     m...@caveo.co.id (unrecoverable error)
     n...@caveo.co.id (unrecoverable error)
     r...@caveo.co.id (unrecoverable error)

despite one or more unsuccessful attempts to do so.

No further delivery attempts will be made and the message has been removed
from the queue.

The original message headers may follow at the end of this report.  For
information on DSN messages see http://www.altn.com/dsn/.

Please quote the Queue-ID, Session-ID, and Message-ID found above in any
inquiries regarding this message.

=  Session Transcript  =

  REMOTE message: pd3501000552842.msg
  *  Session 05822902; child 0001
  *  From: bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com
  *  To: n...@caveo.co.id, r...@caveo.co.id, m...@caveo.co.id,
  *  Subject: Tes email
  *  Message-ID: <wc20211124041938.791...@eaglehighplantations.com>
  *  Size: 3297; <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\pd3501000552842.msg>
  *  Route slip host: caveo.co.id
  *  Route slip port: 25
  Resolving TXT record for _mta-sts.caveo.co.id (DNS Server:
  No MTA-STS TXT record found
  Resolving MX record for caveo.co.id (DNS Server:
  *  P=005 S=000 D=caveo.co.id TTL=(240) MX=[idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com]
  *  P=010 S=001 D=caveo.co.id TTL=(240) MX=[idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com]
  Attempting SMTP connection to idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com
  Resolving A record for idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com (DNS Server:
  *  D=idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com TTL=(240) A=[]
  Attempting SMTP connection to
  Waiting for socket connection...
  *  Connection established -->
  Waiting for protocol to start...
  <-- 220 idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com
  --> EHLO mail.eaglehighplantations.com
  <-- 250-idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com Hello []
  <-- 250-SIZE 41943040
  <-- 250-8BITMIME
  <-- 250-DSN
  <-- 250 OK
  --> MAIL From:<bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com> SIZE=3297
  <-- 250 OK <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com> Sender ok
  --> RCPT To:<d...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <d...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> RCPT To:<m...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 550 <m...@caveo.co.id> No such user here
  --> RCPT To:<n...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <n...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> RCPT To:<r...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <r...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> DATA
  <-- 451 Greylisted, please try again in 900 seconds
  --> QUIT
  Attempting SMTP connection to idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com
  Resolving A record for idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com (DNS Server:
  *  D=idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com TTL=(239) A=[]
  Attempting SMTP connection to
  Waiting for socket connection...
  *  Connection established -->
  Waiting for protocol to start...
  <-- 220 idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com
  --> EHLO mail.eaglehighplantations.com
  <-- 250-idsmtp2.idcloudhosting.com Hello []
  <-- 250-SIZE 41943040
  <-- 250-8BITMIME
  <-- 250-DSN
  <-- 250 OK
  --> MAIL From:<bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com> SIZE=3297
  <-- 250 OK <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com> Sender ok
  --> RCPT To:<d...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <d...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> RCPT To:<m...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 550 <m...@caveo.co.id> No such user here
  --> RCPT To:<n...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <n...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> RCPT To:<r...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 250 OK <r...@caveo.co.id> Recipient ok
  --> DATA
  <-- 451 Greylisted, please try again in 900 seconds
  --> QUIT
  Attempting to send message to smart host
  Attempting SMTP connection to smtp.velo.net.id
  Resolving A record for smtp.velo.net.id (DNS Server:
  *  D=smtp.velo.net.id TTL=(14) A=[]
  Attempting SMTP connection to
  Waiting for socket connection...
  *  Connection established -->
  Waiting for protocol to start...
  <-- 220 smtp.velo.net.id ESMTP is ready. We do not authorize the use of
this system to transport unsolicited and/or bulk e-mail.
  --> EHLO mail.eaglehighplantations.com
  <-- 250-smtp.velo.net.id
  <-- 250-PIPELINING
  <-- 250-SIZE 56700160
  <-- 250-ETRN
  <-- 250-8BITMIME
  <-- 250-DSN
  <-- 250 CHUNKING
  --> MAIL From:<bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com> SIZE=3297
  <-- 250 2.1.0 Ok
  --> RCPT To:<d...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 554 5.7.1 <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com>: Sender address
rejected: Access denied
  --> RCPT To:<m...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 554 5.7.1 <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com>: Sender address
rejected: Access denied
  --> RCPT To:<n...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 554 5.7.1 <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com>: Sender address
rejected: Access denied
  --> RCPT To:<r...@caveo.co.id>
  <-- 554 5.7.1 <bima.pu...@eaglehighplantations.com>: Sender address
rejected: Access denied
  --> QUIT

=    End Transcript    =

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.5.0, SecurityGateway 8.0.4

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