On June 20, 2022 9:27:03 AM GMT+07:00, zul <z...@indonakano.co.id> wrote:

Mohon tidak posting/reply dengan top/eply style di milis ini.
Selalu gunakan bottom/inline reply seperti contoh ini


Top posting merepotkan pembacaan karena perlu waktu scroll up/down untuk
mengerti konteks pembicaraan.


The fundamental source of poor email style is the practice of quoting
the entire message you’re replying to. If that’s what you do, then it
doesn’t matter whether you put your response at the top or bottom. In
fact, if you’re going to quote the entire message, top-posting probably
is better. But both are poor form.

Writing an email is like writing an article. Only quote the relevant
parts, interspersing your new remarks between the quoted passages. Don’t
quote anything at all from the original message if you don’t have to.

Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in
your reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes
time to shower and brush your teeth each day.

Di MDaemon webmail sudah ada fasilitasnya, tinggal diaktifkan.
Dari menu options | Compose

[x] HTML Compose

Replying and Forwarding

Attribution of original message:

[x] Custom format : "On %SENTDATEANDTIME%, %SENDER% wrote:".

When replying to a message

Prefix each line of the original message: > or |

Akan lebih baik jika signature (kalau diaktifkan) dipindah ke baris

>tidak ada di smtp-out masuk ke quarantee

Di approve saja kalau begitu, mirip dengan cara approve mail di holding queue.
Dari MDconfig | quarantine queue, pilih messagenya lalu dari right_mouse_click 
menu pilih release.

>X-MDBadQueue-Reason: WARNING! attachment cannot be scanned (PT. Indonakano - 
>FS and Indepdnt Auditors Report 31 Maret 2022.pdf)
>X-MDBadQueue-Reason: message for non-local recipient but in local queue

mail ini mestinya ada di quarantine queue.
Masuk ke bad queue karena salah action, harusnya di "release" atau pindah ke 
remote queue tetapi malah di pindah ke local queue.

>Attachment                    Virus name               Action taken
>PT. Indonakano - FS and Indepdnt Auditors Report 31 Maret 2022.pdf; 
>NOT_SCANNED              Message Quarantined

Notificationnya menjelaskan bahwa mail masuk ke quarantine queue karena 
mengandung lampiran ber password protect.
Agar tidak terjadi lagi dikemudian hari, masukkan nama file extension *.pdf 
kedalam  Antivirus "Allow password-protected files in exclusion list."


Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

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