On 7/28/22 09:32, Aulia Rahman Adi wrote:
email harusnya di terima Tanggal 25-7-2022 Jam 02:00 PM
untuk email via autoforward dari gmail dapat di terima dengan waktu seperti di 

Mail dari @bumn.go.id pada tanggal 2022-07-25 ada 1.
Ditolak karena dikirim melalui server yang identitas hostnya tidak terdaftar di internet.

Saya periksa host yang tidak terdaftar itu sudah dibuatkan pengecualian di tanggal 2022-07-25 sekitar jam 17.00 +07.00. Jadi mestinya mail berikut dari sender @bumn.go.id yang dikirim melalui server yang sama mx5.bumn.go.id [] akan diterima.

$ host -t mx reindosyariah.co.id
reindosyariah.co.id mail is handled by 10 relayhost.dutaint.com.
reindosyariah.co.id mail is handled by 20 mail.reindosyariah.co.id.

$ host mx5.bumn.go.id
Using domain server:

Host mx5.bumn.go.id not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.517: ----------
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.866: [35664472] Session 35664472; child 0010
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.866: [35664472] Accepting SMTP connection from to
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.866: [35664472] Location Screen says connection is from 
Indonesia, Asia
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.866: [35664472] --> 220 dip34.dutaint.com ESMTP MDaemon 
22.0.2b; Mon, 25 Jul 2022 14:00:06 +0700
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.881: [35664472] <-- EHLO mx5.bumn.go.id
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-dip34.dutaint.com Hello 
mx5.bumn.go.id [], pleased to meet you
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-ETRN
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-PIPELINING
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-CHUNKING
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250-STARTTLS
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.882: [35664472] --> 250 SIZE 41943040
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.890: [35664472] <-- MAIL FROM:<ericktho...@bumn.go.id> 
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:06.899: [35664472] Performing PTR lookup 
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.113: [35664472] * D= 
TTL=(60) PTR=[mx3.bumn.go.id]
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.147: [35664472] * D=mx3.bumn.go.id TTL=(1440) 
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.147: [35664472] ---- End PTR results
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.148: [35664472] Performing IP lookup (mx5.bumn.go.id)
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.562: [35664472] * DNS server reports domain name unknown
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.562: [35664472] ---- End IP lookup results
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.562: [35664472] --> 501 5.7.0 mx5.bumn.go.id host can't 
be resolved
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.562: [35664472] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Mon 2022-07-25 14:00:07.563: ----------

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 22.0.2
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.
        --- Jack Canfield

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0.2, SecurityGateway 8.5.3

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