
Pada saat instalasi awal, MDaemon menggunakan pendekatan "aman" dengan tidak melakukan tolakkan "final" jika terjadi masalah teknis. Misalkan, mail ke unknown local user atau over quota atau disable account akan ditolak dengan dengan error : 4xx error (temporary error) bukan 5xx error (final/fatal error).


4xx - Temporary failure encountered by mail server and you have to try again. If you see one of these errors, the mail server or client should tell you that it will automatically attempt to resend the email.

5xx - Fatal error encountered, Mail server cannot process request.

Setelah masa uji coba selesai dan siap digunakan untuk produksi (live server) sebaiknya dilakukan ubahan tolakkann 4xx menjadi 5xx sbb:

1. Unknown user



[x] ...returned to sender with a 'no such user' warning

When this option is enabled, messages that arrive at the server destined for unknown yet supposedly local users will be returned to the message originator. If you wish to customize the contents of the "No Such User" warning email, you can do so by creating a text file called "NoShUser.dat" and placing it in the "MDaemon\app\" folder.

2. Disable Account

MDaemon 15.0.0 - March 10, 2015 release note

[14292] MDaemon responds with a 4xx temporary error to delivery attempts to disabled or frozen accounts (see [14010]). If you would prefer to have a 5xx response instead you can add this setting in MDaemon.ini [Special] DisabledAccountsSend550=Yes (default is No).

Edit file \\mdaemon\app\mdaemon.ini dengan notepad, lalu tambahkan di section special


setelah di simpan, restart MDaemon service dari windows service control panel.

3. User over quota


tambah pengaktifkan menu berikut (dari standar/bawaan instalasi)

[x] Refuse outgoing messages sent from over quota accounts
[x] SMTP server sends 552 when account is over quota (otherwise sends 452)
[x] Recalculate all quota values once per day

4. Mailing List

MDaemon 12.0.1 - March 15, 2011, release note

[6782] By default MDaemon rejects invalid mailing list messages during the SMTP session however this does cause the message to be rejected for all recipients. You can disable this behavior via a new switch in Preferences | Miscellaneous and MDaemon will process invalid mailing list messages during queue processing as in previous versions.


[x] Send response to invalid command messages


Catatan: Release Note MDaemon lama bisa dilihat di file
\\MDaemon\Docs\Recent-History.html (buka/view dengan peramban/browser).

Syafril Hermansyah

MDaemon-L Moderator, run MDaemon 25.0.0 Beta B
Mohon tidak kirim private mail (atau cc:) untuk masalah MDaemon.

Seorang pemberani yg sebenarnya bukannya dia yg dg membabi buta melompat masuk ke dalam jurang, melainkan adalah dia yg dg perlahan-lahan dan dg mata terbuka memasuki jurang itu setelah mengukur dalamnya
        -- P.J. Stahl

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 24.5.2, SecurityGateway 10.5.2

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