James C. McPherson wrote:

> J?rgen Keil wrote:
> > ... starting a couple of weeks ago kmdb appears to
> > have lost the ability to display parameter values in stack backtraces
> > on the amd64 platform.

> Yes, and it was noticed starting with daily.0925.
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6753543
> 6753543 is_argsaved() needs to be augmented for SS12

Oh, somehow I missed 6753543 when I tried to find
an existing bug report for this problem...

> This is one of the fixes that's gone into the new compilers,

Ok, I expected something like that, that the compiler
is using a different code sequence to save the parameters...

> I'm not sure whether the patch (-08, iirc)
> is available on sunsolve yet. I don't know whether the
> tarball via opensolaris.org has been updated either,
> sorry.

Hmm, as far as I can tell, a studio 12 compiler tarball
is not yet available for download from the opensolaris
web site.  I'm using the studio 12 compiler that was
included with one the SX:CE 9x release (build 91?).

I just checked the web pages bwlow and they tell me that
patch 124868-06 is needed for the (x86) C 5.9 compiler;
the latest version of that patch from sunsolve is -07
(release two days ago) and according to the description
text doesn't seem to fix this problem;
-08 is not yet available



Sun Studio 12 Compilers and Tools for OpenSolaris Developers!

Starting with Build 100, you must use the Sun Studio 12 compiler plus a 
specific set of patches to build ON.

    * The Sun Studio 12 compiler can be obtained from:


You must choose the package installer to download, and if you want to do a 
custom install, you must be sure to include PerfLib.

    * You must also download and apply the following critical patches:


124867-07: Sun Studio 12: Patch for C 5.9 compiler

124863-07: Sun Studio 12: Patch for Sun C++ Compiler

124861-08: Sun Studio 12: Compiler Common patch for Sun C C++ F77 F95


124868-06: Sun Studio 12x86: Patch for C 5.9 compiler

124864-07: Sun Studio 12x86: Patch for Sun C++ Compiler

126498-09: Sun Studio 12_x86: Sun Compiler Common patch for x86 backend

These can be obtained from:


A tarball containing an install image of Sun Studio 12 with appropriate patches 
is being created and will be posted soon.
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