Jonathan Adams wrote:
> I've written up the following ARC case for my ::whatis rewrite, and wanted
> to see if there were any comments before I submit it for PSARC review.
> What do you all think?

A level-0 question: is this a needed ARC case at all?  I don't quite see
where there's system architecture here.

Given that what ::whatis reveals and the arguments it takes are all
essentially system implementation details, it seems unlikely to me that
anyone could (or _should_) write any separate program that depends on these.

It's just a debug feature ... right?

In fact, the most architecturally significant feature I see here is the
plug-in interface for 'sources,' and that's reasonably Project Private
as specified.

I don't want to talk you out of ARC review if you (or anyone else) feel
it's useful in this case, but I'm not sure I see what the ARC would be

And a nit: the ARC doesn't use "Evolving" anymore.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carlsonj at>

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