That's fair but I have dealt with team members who have "optimized" code
over loopback only to find its slower over an actual network :) Hence the

On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 3:04 AM, John Hening <> wrote:

> Why do you think that I have a production system? I do it for learning
> purpose.
> W dniu sobota, 12 maja 2018 21:59:53 UTC+2 użytkownik Greg Young napisał:
>> Will your production system be running over loopback?
>> On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 1:59 AM, John Hening <> wrote:
>>> I know that testing by loopback isn't the best idea (and that it omits a
>>> part of the network stack) but it is the simplest and I have just a laptop
>>> with one physical network interface so I don't see a possibility to test it
>>> without a second physical host.
>>>  Not mentioning that open HFT may employ socket mechanics different from
>>>> what's available in jdk.
>>> AFAIK (perhaps I am wrong) OpenHFT uses networking available in jdk,
>>> W dniu sobota, 12 maja 2018 20:34:57 UTC+2 użytkownik Wojciech Kudla
>>> napisał:
>>>> It's probably not the response that you were hoping to see but I'd
>>>> avoid testing for performance using loopback interface.
>>>> There are whole parts of the network stack omitted by the Linux kernel
>>>> in such scenarios.
>>>> Not mentioning that open HFT may employ socket mechanics different from
>>>> what's available in jdk.
>>>> On Sat, 12 May 2018, 19:03 John Hening, <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to examine a throughput of OpenHFT networking in version
>>>>> 1.12.2 to compare it with my toy.
>>>>> My test works in the following way:
>>>>> I have few concurrent clients that send (by loopback) to the server
>>>>> (written with OpenHFT networking) 131`072 messages of size 4KB and
>>>>> blocking-wait for a (1-byte) response that confirms that message was
>>>>> processed by the server.
>>>>> I've run a test with -DServerThreadingStrategy=CONCURRENT,
>>>>>     number of clients                                    OpenHFT: avg.
>>>>> Messages per second:             my toy
>>>>> (run on different threads)    CONCURRENT  SINGLE_THREADED
>>>>> MULTI_THREADED_BUSY_WAITING             CONCURRENT (no single threaded
>>>>> strategy)
>>>>>           1                   52.47         50.4
>>>>> 49.95                           41.4
>>>>>           2                   40.21         48.57
>>>>> 39.54                           44.65
>>>>>           4                   21.92         23.68
>>>>> 21.51                           32.04
>>>>>           8                   10.78         12.83
>>>>> 10.91                           23.06
>>>>>          16                   5.53          6.02
>>>>> 5.57                            11.77
>>>>>          32                   2.68          2.79
>>>>> 2.76                            6.46
>>>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>>>> ____________________________________________________________
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> I suppose that the problem is with my usage of that library, but I
>>>>> cannot figure out what is wrong- it is not so easy to write a test because
>>>>> of lack/obsolete documentation/examples.
>>>>> The server is run as follows: (I skipped not important details to make
>>>>> it shorter)
>>>>>     private static EventLoop eg;
>>>>>     public static void starServer() {
>>>>>         eg = new EventGroup(true);
>>>>>         eg.start();
>>>>>         TCPRegistry.createServerSocketChannelFor(desc);
>>>>>         AcceptorEventHandler eah = new AcceptorEventHandler(desc,
>>>>> LegacyHanderFactory.legacyTcpEventHandlerFactory(nc -> new Confirmer
>>>>> ()), VanillaNetworkContext::new);
>>>>>                                                    // Confirmer send
>>>>> one-byte message to a client to confirm processing of message
>>>>>         eg.addHandler(eah);
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     class Confirmer implements TcpHandler<NetworkContext> {
>>>>>         @Override
>>>>>         public void process(@NotNull final Bytes in, @NotNull final
>>>>> Bytes out, NetworkContext nc) {
>>>>>             if (in.readRemaining() == 0){
>>>>>                 return;
>>>>>             }
>>>>>             out.write(in, in.readPosition(), 1); // send a
>>>>> confirmation
>>>>>             in.readSkip(Math.min(in.readRemaining(), out.
>>>>> writeRemaining()));
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> A client code (run on different threads):
>>>>> private void sender(long numberOfMessage, int sizeOfMessage) {
>>>>>     SocketChannel sc = TCPRegistry.createSocketChannel(desc);
>>>>>     sc.configureBlocking(true);
>>>>>     ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(sizeOfMessage);
>>>>>     ByteBuffer recv = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
>>>>>     buffer.putInt(64); // required bytes. To be frankly, I don't
>>>>> understand exactly why 64.
>>>>>     buffer.put(bytes.getBytes()); // nearly 4KB-text-message
>>>>>     long start = System.nanoTime();
>>>>>     for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMessage; i++){
>>>>>         buffer.clear();
>>>>>         recv.clear();
>>>>>         sc.write(buffer);
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     times.add(System.nanoTime() - start); // use it to compute an
>>>>> average after
>>>>>     sc.close();
>>>>> }
>>>>> And I use times to get an average throughput.
>>>>> P.S. I see that system is loaded (in the sense of threads and kernel
>>>>> network stack) but results seems to be low though. I don't have an
>>>>> experience and I cannot decide whether that results are normal.
>>>>> P.S.2 I also know that my test is primitive
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