Hello, let's look at:

    class P {      public String x;
    ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, P> x = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    new Thread(() -> {                 // Thread 1
        x.put(1, new String("x"));     // 1
    new Thread(() -> {                 // Thread 2 
            P p = x.get(1);             // 2
            if(p != null){             
                print(p.x);            // 4

If thread 2 observes p != null is it guaranteed by JMM that p.x is 
initialized? For my eye, yes, because:

Let's assume a such execution when p != null was true. It means that there 
is a synchronize-with relation between x.put(1, new String("x")); --sw--> 
Putting and getting an element from ConcurrentHashMap contain 
synchronization access (and, actually, synchronization-with is between 

In a result, there is a chain of happens-before relation:

    tmp = new String("x") --hb--> x.put(1, tmp) --hb--> x.get(1) --hb--> 


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