In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: George Bush's War on Language

One of the less noted aspects of the Bush Administration's 'War on Terror' 
is the government's simultaneous War on Language, a calculated use of 
Orwellian double speak. Post 9-11, the invasion of other countries became a 
'preemptive strike', the capture and torture of civilians 'extraordinary 
rendition'. A sign on the front of the US prison in Guantanamo Bay reads 
'Honor Bound to Defend Freedom'. Small comfort to the 460 'unlawful 
combatants' who after four years still languish inside, without any access 
to basic human rights.


9/11: Flying a Plane Into the World Trade Center? Why Not Fly Out of LaGuardia?

Here is a new, and so far unasked question about the badly debunked 
official explanation of the events of September 11th 2001. If you spend 
years planning a spectacular attack the World Trade Center in New York 
City, and you are a less than adequate pilot, and you wanted to ensure the 
attack would be completed without giving the U.S. air defense apparatus the 
chance to follow their normal procedures and intercept your plane, why 
would you choose to fly out of Boston? Why would you choose to risk getting 
lost or stopped as you try to fly 190 miles to your target when you can 
hijack a plane from one of three airports within sight of the target?


9/11: The unresolved role of Mossad in 9-11

While it is obviously a cruelty to blame Jews as a whole, it is a fair 
question to ask if Israeli intelligence might have known in advance and, 
further, if Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency) might have had a hand 
in advancing the act to deflect criticism against Israeli actions in 


9/11: Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Mr. Silverstein was recounting these events for a television documentary he 
stated, “I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the 
smartest thing to do is to pull it.” Mr. McQuillan has stated that by “it,” 
Mr. Silverstein meant the contingent of firefighters remaining in the building.

Except ... There were no firefighters inside WTC7.


9/11 Guantanamo Torture: We wouldn't be allowed to treat animals like this

ON MONDAY night (12/6), the ABC's Four Corners featured a program on the 
experiments of American psychologist Professor Harry Harlow. He is best 
known for his experiments on maternal deprivation and the outcomes for 
infant monkeys having to bond with bare wire versus soft terry-clothed 
surrogates. We learnt that Professor Harlow also attempted to 
scientifically study the development of abject depression by subjecting 
monkeys to what he coined "the pit or dungeon of despair and the hell of 
loneliness". Here monkeys were placed in isolation for up to 12 months in 
wire cages where they were unable to get out, were denied all sensory 
stimulation and had no human or animal contact other than seeing the 
researcher's hands when they were fed. The result was extreme psychosis, 
depression and self-abuse.


9/11: Rumsfeld expels US media from Guantanamo Bay

The United States military has ordered all independent media off the 
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base following the suicides of three detainees, RAW 
STORY has learned.

Writing for the Miami Herald, journalist Carol Rosenberg stated Wednesday 
morning that the military had "ordered all independent news media off the 
base by 10 a.m. Wednesday, and had arranged a flight to Miami to expedite 
their departure."

Obviously, someone tripped over something they weren't supposed to see.


9/11: Released Detainees Refute US Guantanamo Suicide Cover Up

London – Former Guantanamo detainees, including the 9 British nationals 
released from the camp, have poured scorn on allegations that the three 
deaths at Guantanamo were suicides and claim that they are almost certainly 
accidental killings caused by excessive force used by US guards there.


9/11: EU, US "Partners" on CIA Flights: Amnesty

Amnesty International urged European states on Wednesday to stop being 
``partners in crime'' with the United States over the alleged kidnapping of 
terrorism suspects and their transfer to countries that use torture.


9/11: Postmark Guantánamo: Why is the Pentagon keeping prisoners’ mail from 
their lawyers?

Paracha, 58, decided to write a letter to 98 U.S. senators describing his 
plight. The senators haven’t responded, though it’s hard to blame them. 
They don’t know the letters exist. The Department of Defense won’t release 
them for delivery.


9/11: All Afghans to be released from Guantanamo Bay

Authorities in Afghanistan say all 96 Afghan citizens being held in the 
United States' military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay will be repatriated soon.


Hadji Girl' Marine Apologizes To Muslims

NC Marine: 'I apologize for any feelings that may have been hurt in the 
Muslim community'

The song's lyrics included: "I grabbed her little sister and put her in 
front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between 
her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally. . .I blew those little f**kers to 
eternity. . .They should have known they were f**king with the Marines."


CAIR: 'Marines' Cheer Song About Killing Iraqi Civilians

"I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets 
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed 
maniacally ... I blew those little f**kers to eternity ... They should have 
known they were f**king with the Marines."

Winning the hearts and minds...


Preserving multiculturalism through 'smart integration'

After the Air India terrorist tragedy in 1985, the contributions of Sikh 
Canadians to the well-being of this great country were almost forgotten.

Canadian Muslims are facing an even worse situation today.

The Muslim men arrested in the Toronto area on the weekend of June 2 are 
innocent until proven guilty. If and when any of them are convicted in a 
court of law, they should be termed criminals. They should not be called 
"Muslim terrorists." Indeed, there is no such thing. Rather, there are 
terrorists who willfully misuse Islam to justify committing terrorist acts.


Terror suspects' rights violated, top court told

Constitutionality of anti-terror policy challenged Chief justice lays out 
dilemma when security at risk

OTTAWA­The country's top judge has suggested Canada may have to 
indefinitely jail "truly dangerous" people who are a risk to national 
security but can't be deported if their native country practises torture.


Behind the Terror-arrests in Toronto

Are the 17 Muslim men arrested in Toronto on June 3, 2006 innocent until 
proven guilty? Theoretically, yes. But practically, they are absolutely not


In case you missed it: None Of Us Are Free - If One Of Us Is Chained

4 Minute Video - Flash presentation.


The war on children

A final solution, agreed by the United States and Israel, to the problem of 
the Palestinians. While the Israelis fire missiles at Palestinian 
picnickers and homes in Gaza and the West Bank, the two governments are to 
starve them. The victims will be mostly children.


The Flag of the Corporate States of America

Far too many Americans are so thoroughly indoctrinated in popular myths and 
propaganda that they are unable to recognize reality when they see it. They 
desperately need to cling to the absurd myths conjured by our rulers and 
deny the most criminal and unethical behavior upon which this nation was 
founded. Aided by a bogus educational system, we then contort them into 
virtue. Thus, murderers and robber barons are celebrated as self made 
industrialists who built America into a world class power.


Where Is The Voice Of Sanity

Something is being revealed to us about ourselves by the fact that we are 
being ruled by people who are mad. Imagine, what would we do if we truly 
recognized that our government is being run by people who have collectively 
gone mad? What would we do if we realized that the leader of the most 
powerful nation on the planet, the person with his finger on the button, is 
a genuine psychopath?


EXCLUSIVE: Majority Leader Boehner’s Confidential Strategy Memo For 
Thursday’s Iraq Debate

1. Exploit 9/11. The two page memo mentions 9/11 seven times. It describes 
debating Iraq in the context of 9/11 as “imperative.”
2. Attack opponents ad hominem. The memo describes those who opposes 
President Bush’s policies in Iraq as “sheepish,” “weak,” and “prone to 
waver endlessly.”
3. Create a false choice. The memo says the decision is between supporting 
President Bush’s policies and hoping terrorist threats will “fade away on 
their own.”


Iraq: Nightmare Scenario

We could be moving toward an American Dunkirk. In 1940 the defeated British 
Army in Belgium was driven back by the Germans to the French seacoast city 
of Dunkirk, where it had to abandon its equipment and escape across the 
English Channel on a fleet of civilian vessels, fishing smacks, yachts, 
small boats, anything and everything that could float and carry the 
defeated and wounded army to safety.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 13 June 2006.
    * “The Day of Slaughter” to begin in first hours of Wednesday morning 
as US-installed puppet regime announces 40,000 troops ready to purge Sunni 
areas.  Shi‘i sectarian militias known for savage torture and murder to 
join US, Iraqi puppet troops in wholesale repression throughout Iraq.  US 
cuts all communication with Sunni areas of Baghdad Tuesday night to allow 
butchery to go unreported and unwitnessed.
    * US President Bush visits Iraq on eve of “Day of Slaughter” offensive 
to meet puppet “Prime Minister” and celebrate killing of az-Zarqawi with 
American occupation troops.
    * Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier east of 
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills three US troops northeast of 
    * US soldier reported killed when Resistance bomb destroys American 
minesweeper in Abu Ghurayb.
    * Resistance fighters kill four Shi‘i sectarian gunmen in southern Baghdad
    * Resistance bomb destroys US troop transport in western Baghdad’s 
al-Ghazaliyah district.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee in eastern Samarra’.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in Bayji
    * Four US troops reported wounded in Resistance bombing in al-Ishaqi area.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guard” column west of 
    * Resistance bombards puppet army headquarters in al-Yusufiyah.
    * Four Resistance car bombs target puppet police targets in Kirkuk on 
    * Resistance mortars batter British headquarters in al-Basrah.


30 Killed in Afghan Fighting Before Offensive

Fierce battles killed at least 30 people across Afghanistan on Wednesday as 
the U.S.-led coalition readied to launch its largest anti-Taliban offensive 
since the Islamic extremist government's 2001 ouster.


Two foreign soldiers killed in Afghanistan

An American soldier was killed in the southern province of Helmand on 
Tuesday, said Major Quentin Innes, a spokesman for international forces in 
the Afghan south.


Revealed: the shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt

Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international 
inquiry into the beachfront explosion which killed seven members of a 
Palestinian family in Gaza last Friday after its own internal military 
investigation decided it was not responsible for the blast.


Israel's lies about Gaza beach massacre (Zach Wales/EI) - Waiting to Exhale

On Tuesday morning, state mouthpiece Israel News Agency delivered the 
verdict the world was waiting for: Israel was not guilty of the shelling on 
Beit  ahiya's beach that wiped out a family of eight last Friday. Within 
hours, the mainstream international media rushed to the scene. The BBC and 
CNN reported that the culprits were Hamas militants who planted mines on 
the beach to deter amphibious Israeli assaults. The Washington Post ran an 
Associated Press report by Laurie Copans, who affirmed that shrapnel taken 
from the wounded that were evacuated to Israeli hospitals showed no 
evidence of Israeli hardware. Curiously absent from all of these reports 
were Palestinian voices.


UN Secretary general Kofi Annan is sending a special investigator to Gaza

UN Secretary general Kofi Annan is sending a special investigator to Gaza 
because he does not believe Hamas capable of planting bombs at civilian sites.

He therefore refused to credit the Israeli probe which ruled out Israeli 
ordnance as the cause of seven Palestinian deaths on Gaza beach last 
Friday, June 8.

Oh, that's going to make the IDF thrill with delight (not). It will be 
interesting to see how this plays out.


Israel supplies arms to Palestinian leader Abbas to use against Hamas

LONDON (AP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday he has given 
the go-ahead for a shipment of weapons to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, 
whose loyalists are engaged in bitter infighting with the militant Islamic 


Olmert approves arms shipment to boost Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Tuesday he had approved a 
shipment of weapons and ammunition to bolster security forces loyal to 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.


Israeli spy network in Lebanon uncovered

Is it time to take another look at who killed Hariri?


Lebanese man confesses to killings on behalf of Israel

A Lebanese man has confessed to assassinating a series of senior Hezbollah 
and Palestinian militants over a seven-year period on behalf of Israeli 
intelligence, the Lebanese Army said on Tuesday.


Apartheid Israel: Solution found to end 'Jews only' flights

The Transportation Ministry on Wednesday said it would install temporary 
X-ray scanning machines in the Kiryat Shmona airport, in an effort to calm 
public protests over its policy barring Arabs from traveling on flights 
from the north to Tel Aviv.


Iran: Bush's Armageddon Wish

John Bolton, a notorious neocon warmonger who could not be confirmed as 
America's ambassador to the UN by even the compliant and corrupt US Senate, 
got the job as a recess appointment. He is using the platform to push 
America into war with Iran.


Ambassodor John Bolton: Either Iran will acquiesce or it will face dire 

Okay John, here's your rifle, and here is your parachute. It's been nice 
kno... well... actually it hasn't, but good luck anyway in Tehran.


US opens new war front in North Africa

Over the next five years, Washington is expected to spend US$500 million on 
an overt counter-terror program to secure what it has dubbed the latest 
front in its "global war on terror".


Rove Outlines Busheviks' Iraq Strategy to Win Midterms: Lie Again About 
Dems Being Weak on Terrorism

.. and maybe throw in a staged terror incident just to make the point.


Do mention the war

Incredibly, the Dem insiders think they can just breeze their way to 
victory in November by only talking about middle-class utopia -- even as an 
800-pound gorilla named Baghdad is doing the macarena up on stage right 
behind the podium. And you know, it could work -- if the mess in 
Mesopotania were just one of a dozen or so things on the minds of voters.

But it's not.


Violent Crime Rises In U.S.

Looks like all that "Homeland Security" crap isn't working, is it? If they 
can't stop street criminals, they will never be able to catch terrorists.


-muslim voice-

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