In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

How can 'terrorism' be condemned while war crimes go without rebuke?

Washington's partners in this hypocritical war on terror are given free 
rein to wreak their own brutal, illegal violence

By David Clark

Guardian" -- -- As if we didn't know it already, the conflict in Lebanon 
shows that truth and war don't mix. All parties to the tragedy of the 
Middle East resort to disinformation and historical falsification to 
bolster their case, but rarely has an attempt to rewrite the past occurred 
so soon after the fact. Israeli ministers and their supporters have 
justified the bombardment of Lebanon as "a matter of survival". Total war 
has been declared on Israel, so Israel is entitled to use the methods of 
total war in self-defence. This would be reasonable if it were true, but it 
isn't. It's completely false.

The conflict was triggered by a Hizbullah operation in which two Israeli 
soldiers were captured and three killed. Let's be frank, this wasn't 
exactly the Tet offensive. It certainly didn't justify Israel's ferocious 
onslaught against the very fabric of Lebanese society. Yes, the rocket 
attacks on Haifa are an appalling crime, but they followed rather than 
preceded Israel's decision to escalate the fighting. They cannot provide 
retrospective justification for Israeli strategy.
The crisis has also been accompanied by the selective and often 
inappropriate use of the term "terrorism". Following the Israeli 
government, George Bush and Tony Blair were at it again on Friday, blaming 
"terrorists" for sparking the conflict. The purpose behind this is obvious 
enough. In the context of America's war on terror, anyone claiming to be 
engaged in the fight against this most contested of notions gets carte 
blanche to do as they please. But the result has been to politicise the 
term in ways that render it effectively useless as a category of moral 
judgment or policy analysis.

It is certainly true that Hizbullah has been linked to a string of classic 
terrorist attacks going back more than 20 years, including suicide bombings 
against civilian targets, hostage-taking and the hijacking of a TWA flight. 
A particularly vile example was the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community 
centre in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were murdered. Hizbullah strongly 
denies involvement, but the truth is probably murkier than either side 
pretends. Responsibility for these attacks has often been attributed to 
Hizbullah's External Security Organisation (ESO), a unit believed to be 
under the operational control of Iranian intelligence rather than the 
Hizbullah's Lebanese leadership. Britain is one country that draws this 
distinction, proscribing ESO, but not Hizbullah itself, under the Terrorism 

Interestingly, some of the earliest suicide bombings commonly attributed to 
Hizbullah, such as the 1983 attacks on the US embassy and marine barracks 
in Beirut, were believed by American intelligence sources at the time to 
have been orchestrated by the Iraqi Dawa party. Hizbullah barely existed in 
1983 and Dawa cadres are said to have been instrumental in setting it up at 
Tehran's behest. Dawa's current leadership includes none other than the new 
Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, feted last week in London and 
Washington as the great hope for the future of the Middle East. As the old 
saying goes, today's terrorist is tomorrow's statesman - at least when it 
suits us.

None of this should be read as exonerating Hizbullah of the charge that it 
uses terrorist tactics. Irrespective of anything else, the use of Katyusha 
rockets against Israeli population centres is clearly intended to inflict 
terror and suffering on civilians. It deserves a response. But the 
allegations of terrorism levelled at Hizbullah (as well as Hamas and other 
groups) by America and Israel go well beyond the targeting of 
non-combatants. The US state department's annual reports on terrorism also 
list operations carried out against the Israeli Defence Force as examples 
of terrorism. The US government justifies this conclusion by way of a 
logical contortion that defines Israeli troops as "non-combatants", despite 
the fact that Israel continues to occupy territory in Lebanon and Palestine 
with military force. The intention is not just to stamp out terrorism as 
commonly understood, but also to stigmatise perfectly legitimate acts of 

Terrorism has always been extraordinarily difficult to define, but the 
American approach lacks any pretence at objectivity, thus making the term 
utterly meaningless. Used in this way, terrorism becomes simply "political 
violence of which we disapprove". The answer, of course, must not be to 
abandon any attempt to distinguish between right and wrong in the use of 
force. There need to be standards if we are to prevent the free-for-all of 
violence without limit. But these standards must be disinterested, 
legitimate and robust. As it happens, most of what we need is adequately 
provided for in international humanitarian law. Numerous treaties and 
judgments from the Geneva conventions onwards set out quite detailed rules 
governing the use of force, including the principles of proportionality and 
civilian immunity.

Under international law, there can be no doubt that many of the actions 
carried out by Hizbullah and Hamas constitute war crimes that must be 
punished. The reason it has been disregarded for the purposes of fighting 
terrorism is that, rather inconveniently for the governments concerned, it 
applies to states as well as non-state groups. Accepting it would leave 
them open to unwanted scrutiny and possibly even prosecution for war crimes 
of their own. In the case of the Israeli government, it isn't hard to see 
why. Israeli doctrine eschews the principle of proportionality in favour of 
massive retaliation, as has been amply demonstrated in Lebanon and Gaza.

Despite Israel's protestations that it is doing everything it can to avoid 
civilian casualties, it is clear that its military strategy is aimed at 
maximising the suffering of the Lebanese people as a whole. This was 
declared quite openly on day one of the campaign, when Israel's chief of 
staff, General Dan Halutz, promised to "turn back the clock in Lebanon by 
20 years", and confirmed again yesterday with the horrific slaughter at 
Qana. The approach is identical to the one taken in similar operations in 
1996 and 1993, when Yitzhak Rabin admitted: "The goal of the operation is 
to get the southern Lebanese population to move northward, hoping that this 
will tell the Lebanese government something about the refugees, who may get 
as far north as Beirut." Populations will move like this only if they are 
in fear of their lives.

The same applies to Gaza, where the pretence at discrimination is even 
thinner and Palestinian civilians are being subjected to a brutal siege and 
acts of violence that have no military justification. As in Lebanon, the 
intention is to force civilians to turn on the militias by inflicting as 
much pain and suffering as the Israeli government thinks it can get away 
with. What is this if it is not terrorism? It is certainly a war crime. So 
let's hear no more hypocritical utterances about the evils of terrorism 
from Bush and Blair. Not until they are able to speak with genuine moral 
authority by condemning all forms of illegal violence, irrespective of who 
commits them.

ยท David Clark is a former Labour government adviser - [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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