In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

186 page book on Prophet Muhammad on line - in 10 languages



If It Ain't Islamic Then It Ain't Terrorism

Utter chaos in two American cities, at least ten people dead, who knows how 
many hurt, others terrified and hiding under staircaises for hours; death 
and destruction out of a clear blue sky and not a motive to be seen ... but 
nobody says a word about "terrorism".

Why? Because terrorism is something that happens somewhere else? Or because 
if attacks such as these were classified as terrorism, then the government 
would have to admit it's not doing a very good job of protecting us from 

And this is the one and only thing the government claims to be doing.


Back to 1991 Iraq War : The Iraqi tanks that were not there

Satellite photographs taken by the Soviet Union on the precise day Bush 
addressed Congress failed to show any evidence of Iraqi troops in Kuwait or 
massing along the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian border. While the Pentagon was 
claiming as many as 250,000 Iraqi troops in Kuwait, it refused to provide 
evidence that would contradict the Soviet satellite photos. U.S. forces, 
encampments, aircraft, camouflaged equipment dumps, staging areas and 
tracks across the desert can easily be seen. But as Peter Zimmerman, 
formerly of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in the Reagan 
Administration, and a former image specialist for the Defense Intelligence 
Agency, who analyzed the photographs said: ?We didn't find anything of that 
sort [i.e. comparable to the U.S. buildup] anywhere in Kuwait. We don't see 
any tent cities, we don't see congregations of tanks, we can't see troop 
concentrations, and the main Kuwaiti air base appears deserted. It's five 
weeks after the invasion, and from what we can see, the Iraqi air force 
hasn't flown a single fighter to the most strategic air base in Kuwait. 
There is no infrastructure to support large numbers of people. They have to 
use toilets, or the functional equivalent. They have to have food.... But 
where is it??



On the morning of February 14, 1991, when I turned the TV on to see the 
latest lies being told to the public about the U.S. bombing of Iraq, I saw 
a chaotic situation in Baghdad. The Amiryah bomb shelter had just been 
struck by two 2,000-pound superbombs. Information was sketchy, but it was 
evident that many people lost their lives.

The first statement from the U.S. administration was that the U.S. hit an 
Iraqi command and control post and the dead were military. Shortly after, 
the cameras showed charred bodies of women and children, so the U.S. story 
had to be revised. The administration then said that the building was a 
military target in which Saddam Hussein placed civilians to protect the 
military personnel.


Ulster on the Euphrates : The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq

Imagine a city torn by sectarian strife. - Behind the scenes, in a shadow 
world of double-cross and double-bluff, covert units of the occupying power 
run agents on both sides of the civil war, countenancing -- and sometimes 
directing -- assassinations, terrorist strikes, torture sessions, and 
ethnic cleansing.


Unilateral Force Has Nothing To Do With Global Democracy

The US has overstepped its borders in every way. We must build a new world 
order to ensure security and prosperity for all


Sen. Hillary Clinton Refuses to Acknowledge Making Mistake Over Voting for 
Iraq War

Says No Options Should Be Taken Off The Table on Iran


Diss Information.

A surge, a crackdown, three Iraqi women to be hanged with no legal counsel, 
no witnesses and no defense, Iraq's VP, tortured and to be executed, a 
blast in two markets with over 120 dead and over 140 wounded,the continuous 
siege of Haifa Street, Al Adhamyia, Karrada,Al Amariya, Al Amil,Al 
Yarmouk...So please tell me where to begin ?


IRAQ: More Troops, And More Violence

BAGHDAD, Feb 13, 3007 (IPS) - Violence and bombings have only increased 
after the added "surge" of 21,500 U.S. troops in Iraq.

U.S. troops presence has averaged 142,000 soldiers a month since the 
occupation began nearly four years ago. Through this period, violence has 
increased against both them and the Iraqi civilian population.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 12 February 2007.

    * Resistance fighters ambush US troops in al-Qa'im near Syrian border, 
reportedly killing two Monday morning.
    * Resistance bomb disables US vehicle in 'Anah Sunday afternoon.
    * US-backed courts change sentence on Vice President Taha Yasin Ramadan 
from life to death.
    * Bombs ravage predominantly Shi'i district of Baghdad Monday.
    * Resistance ambush in Baghdad leaves five Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen dead 
Monday morning.
    * Puppet police chief in ad-Dulu'iyah suffers fatal injuries when his 
car collides with US armored vehicle Monday evening.
    * Iraqi Resistance, in control of Buhriz since December 2006, drives 
back US offensive Monday.
    * Resistance bomb destroys puppet police vehicle in al-Yusufiyah Monday 
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet army soldier in al-Huwayjah Monday morning.
    * Resistance bomb destroys puppet "National Guard" patrol vehicle in 
al-Huwayjah Monday morning.


Second Helmand District Falls to Taleban

The Taleban have taken control of their second Helmand district in less 
than two weeks, say district officials.


In case you misssed it: Breaking The Silence: Video

A hard hitting special report into the "war on terror"


CIA contractor faces 11 years in prison for Afghan beating

A former CIA contractor convicted of beating an Afghan detainee with a 
flashlight and kicking him in the groin could be sentenced to up to 11 1/2 
years in prison Tuesday.


Taliban switching to roadside bomb tactics - NATO

Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are turning to sophisticated roadside bombs 
as they revert to classic guerrilla tactics against NATO, the alliance's 
top operational commander said on Tuesday.


End the Israeli destruction of the holy sites and human history in Jerusalem.

Recent Israeli excavations and destruction near and under the holy sites in 
the Old City Jerusalem threaten to change history. These excavations, if 
allowed to continue, threaten to seriously distort the historical 
significance of the Old City of Jerusalem. The integrity of monuments and 
historic sites that identify the heritage of humanity, especially sites of 
spiritual and cultural diversity, must be protected by responsible members 
of the world community.


How Gaza Offends Us All

What a terrible shame it is that Gazans have not yet attained the status of 
human in the eyes of the Western powers, for the resistance there will 
continue to be an enigma until this changes. For now, however, the 
slaughter will continue unabated.


President Abbas; Israel Has No Right to Reject Mecca Pact

The President Mahmoud Abbas asserted Monday that "Mecca pact is a 
Palestinian interior business and Israel has no right to reject it."


Our unity can now pave the way for peace and justice

The Mecca agreement gives the west the chance to break with its policy of 
blackmail and recognise Palestinian rights,,2011657,00.html


Spin and Propaganda?  U.S. could support Iran nuke power -- if

White House spokesman Tony Snow Monday indicated Washington might support a 
civilian nuclear program in Iran if Tehran stops trying to destabilize Iraq.


CNN's Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea!

Two stories posted in the last week on the CNN website, one on nukes in 
Iran last Wednesday, and another on nukes in North Korea on Saturday, both 
use the same aerial photograph of the same purported nuclear power plant!

But one is supposed to be in Iran and the other is supposed to be in North 


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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