In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Morocco- Satanism being practiced, including urinating on Quran

RABAT ­ Students at a school in the Moroccan city of Qunaitara are engaging 
in satanic rituals that included  desecration of the Noble Qur'an, school 
sources told Wednesday, February, 21, warning that Satanism 
was on the rise in the entire city.

"Last Wednesday, February 14, students in Taha Hussein secondary school 
said that they saw some of their classmates urinating on a copy of the 
Noble Qur'an inside the school," said the sources, who requested anonymity 
because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"Most of the 13 well-off satanists are girls dressed in black and wearing 
necklaces with inverted crosses," they said.

People close to the Satanists say that they do not openly fast the holy 
month of Ramadan and listen to black metal.

"They communicate with other Satanists worldwide through the Internet and 
chat rooms," they said, also on condition of anonymity.


9/11 : Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on 
Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.

The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the 
attacks are now in doubt.

Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said 
had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade 
Centre on 11 September.


9/11 Guantánamo: Amnesty International regrets Court of Appeals decision on 
Military Commissions Act

Amnesty International deeply regrets today's decision by the US Court of 
Appeals that the federal courts lack jurisdiction to hear any habeas corpus 
appeals from Guantánamo detainees. In a divided opinion, the Court held 
that the Military Commissions Act, signed into law by President Bush in 
October last year, has retroactively stripped the courts of jurisdiction to 
hear all such petitions.


  "Illusions of Security: Global Surveillance and Democracy in the 
Post-9/11 World"

Canadian human rights attorney and author Maureen Webb discusses the 
comprehensive scope of government surveillance, and finds that the use of 
sophisticated methods to search for terrorists is not identifying the right 
suspects. [includes rush transcript] Love letters, bank transactions, 
library books, scuba diving lessons…can the government actually use your 
personal information to predict whether you might be a terrorist?

A new book reveals the comprehensive scope of government surveillance, and 
finds that the use of sophisticated methods to search for terrorists is not 
identifying the right suspects.

In “Illusions of Security, Global Surveillance and Democracy in the Post 
9/11 World,” human rights lawyer Maureen Webb argues the new global 
security system is threatening both American and global security while also 
undermining democracy worldwide.


  A War Conspiracy Documented

John Prados is a senior analyst with the National Security Archive in 
Washington, DC. His current book is Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of 
the CIA. The Polo Step slides can be examined on the National Security 
Archive website.

The now-infamous Downing Street documents showed how President George Bush 
managed his move to war by fitting intelligence to his policy, and by 
refusing to accept the reports of United Nations inspectors who could find 
no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Now there is a new hot document that 
confirms that Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair intended to sucker 
Saddam into war. It demonstrates that this aim was present long before the 
Bush-Blair talks, and indeed that provocation formed an integral feature of 
the U.S. war plan.


The Killing of 12 civilians and several injured in Ramadi. Massive 
detention campaigns in Hit/Anbar province

Our Haq correspondent in Ramadi, reported that the American occupation air 
forces , though a series of savage air strikes, demolished several houses 
killing and wounding several of the town's inhabitants.

Furthermore , eyewitnesses said that that air strikes targeted 4 civilian 
houses in the Iskan area which led to the killing of 5 civilians of which 
two were women and 7 others injured.


The Blood of the Martyr is the Seed of the Revolution: 3 Women Sentenced to 
Hang on March 3

News of 3 Iraqi women sentenced to be hanged on March 3 came as a shock 
even to seasoned monitors of U.S. atrocities in Iraq like myself. 
Intellectually, I have known for a long time the heartlessness and savagery 
of which the U.S. government is capable. One doesn't have to look far back 
in U.S. foreign policy to see it. Their recent history - their destruction 
of the cradle of our humanity, their slaughter of about a million Iraqi 
people since 2003 (add another million under the Bill Clinton sanctions of 
1992-2000) - and their blunt-force oppression of human rights everywhere 
has taught me well. But somehow ... news of their plans to execute these 3 
women ... women ... women who fought back ... I guess it somehow rekindled 
the fire within me. Where did Wassan Talib ... Zainab Fadhil and Liqa 
Muhammad find the courage to fight back? Where?


Iraq : Hideous pictures of a young Iraq man

whose only crime was that he is the son of a retired Iraqi Army officer who 
fought during the Iraq-Iran War


Annals of Liberation: Riverbend on the Rape of Sabrine al-Janabi

One of the truly courageous voices of the Iraqi war, Riverbend, the "girl 
blogger" from Baghdad, is back after weeks of silence with this report on 
the rape charges against the "security" forces of the American-trained, 
Bush-backed Iraqi government. The case of Sabrine al-Janabi could have 
horrific consequences in accelerating the destruction of Iraqi society (not 
to mention the Iraqi government) -- which is no doubt one reason why Bush's 
man in Baghdad, Nouri al-Maliki, leader of a violent sectarian faction with 
a history of terrorism, is now trying so hard to denigrate the victim and 
exonerate the death squads under his command.


Iraq: "We" didn't do it. (includes photos of victims of the United States)

Editor's Note: The author's bright spotlight correctly exposes the 
Republican Party at very center of the U.S. holocaust brought down upon the 
people of Iraq. We also ask the reader to look carefully at the Democrats, 
who now crouch in the rays of dimmer light that circle the author's bright 
spotlight. The Democrats supported the war from the beginning and now seek 
cover (and re-election) as the "anti-war" party in the U.S. Even as they do 
so, they refuse to defund the war and tell us that the Iraqi people will 
have to endure 2 more years of suffering and death before they extricate 
the occupying forces. When in our last Washington Protest on January 27, 
2007 I reminded a woman- supporter of the Democrats that Bill Clinton 
killed over a million Iraqis, including about 750,000 children during his 2 
terms in office with 8 years of sanctions, missile attacks and no-fly 
zones. She replied, "He's still my man." We include photographs of a few of 
the victims of the U.S. war on the people of Iraq. We avoided photographs 
of the thousands of babies, children and moms and dads who have been killed 
by the U.S.


Black Hawk makes "hard landing" in Iraq-US military

BAGHDAD, Feb 21 (Reuters) - A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter with nine people 
on board made a "hard landing" north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said on 
Wednesday, citing initial reports.

It was unclear why the helicopter made such a landing, but Iraqi police 
captain Mahmoud al-Mashhadani said he saw some type of projectile hitting 
the aircraft before it came down on Wednesday in a rural area known as the 
Line, 30 kilometres north of Baghdad.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 20 February 2007

    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills four US Marines on patrol in 'Anah 
Tuesday morning.
    * US troops raid hospital in Bayji taking away only doctors there. 
Hospital shuts down in protest.
    * Resistance bomb leaves four US troops reported dead near Ba'qubah 
Tuesday afternoon.
    * Resistance blasts US as-Simak base in al-Fallujah with mortars.
    * Resistance fighters ambush joint US-Iraqi puppet patrol in 
al-Fallujah Tuesday afternoon.
    * Resistance bomb destroys Humvee near al-Fallujah Tuesday morning.
    * Resistance mortar barrage partially destroys puppet police station.
    * Bodies of 20 Sunni torture victims found dumped around Baghdad Tuesday.
    * Resistance car bomb rips through fuel station controlled by Jaysh 
al-Mahdi militia, one day after sectarian kidnapping.
    * Puppet regime sectarian security forces take over medical center in 
Sunni area, rob it of equipment.
    * Resistance bomb northeast of Tikrit targets puppet army troops.
    * US forces conduct raids, arrests in ad-Dulu'iyah Tuesday.
    * US forces arrest 132 residents of Sunni villages around Buhriz early 
    * Trucks hauling fuel to Baghdad attacked, destroyed.
    * Resistance car bomb targets Shi'i sectarian militiamen in al-Mahmudiyah.
    * Resistance bomb takes out truck in American convoy Monday night.
    * Bomb targets puppet troops near al-Huwayjah.
    * Resistance bombards US base in al-Huwayjah Tuesday morning.
    * Curfew imposed on ash-Shaykhan are of al-Mawsil following sectarian 
violence between Muslims and Yazidis.
    * Rockets target British headquarters in al-Basrah.


  'Israeli democracy built on 1948 transfer'

Arab-Israeli MK speaks at Israel Apartheid Week, says West Bank, Gaza 
apartheid worse than in South Africa


The Martyring of a Nazi Sympathizer In Defense of Free Speech

Ernst Zündel is not a man that I want to defend. I certainly do not share 
his strident anti-communist views, attitude on race, or sympathy for Adolf 

Where I do share a view with Zündel is on everyone’s right to free speech. 
Zündel exercised this right and has been persecuted for it. Progressives 
have mainly remained silent on this assault against free speech.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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