In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Canadian scholar: Muslims under siege in the West - Muslims are Victims of 
9/11 Genocide

A well-known Canadian journalist and scholar has dismissied the so-called 
threats to the West from Muslims as a "canopy devoid of all truth."

"Muslims are under siege, not the other way round," Haroon Siddiqui, editor 
emeritus of Canada's largest-selling paper Toronto Star told a conference 
in Brussels on Friday.

He said Muslims have become the biggest victims of 9/11.

"Between 50,000 to 600,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US 
illegally invaded the country.

"And nobody knows how many civilians have died in Afghanistan.


9/11 Victim : Charkaoui hails high court ruling

MONTREAL -Terrorism suspect/high school teacher Adil Charkaoui breathed a 
long sigh of relief Friday, built up over four years since he was first 
arrested on the way back from a doctor's appointment and told he was one of 
Canada's biggest threats to national security.

After two years in a two-metre-by-three-metre cell, followed by two years 
under virtual house arrest, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that 
Charkaoui's treatment, with no charges ever laid or evidence revealed, was 

In a unanimous decision handed down Friday, nine Supreme Court Justices 
quashed the security certificates which have allowed the government to 
detain Charkaoui and four other Muslim men indefinitely, saying they run 
counter to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


7 Reasons To Nuke The USA

According to the doctrine of pre-emptive strike which the US has adopted 
since 9/11, it too can be subjected to a pre-emptive nuclear strike, as it 
poses a threat to other peaceful nations of the world. The US has a sordid 
track record for using such weapons against civilians and it has constantly 
maintained a large stockpile of such weapons of mass destruction, and 
continuously develops them. There are additional reasons to nuke the US, 
however I have decided to highlight only seven.


Will America Face the Truth About 9/11?

If we have the courage to face the fact that our nation has descended into 
a swamp of corruption and evil, perhaps we can still salvage the future for 
ourselves and our children. We should draw strength from the knowledge that 
the 9/11 nightmare, bad as it was, might have been even worse.


More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers

It was the tail-end of a bleak November, 2001: a pall of shocked numbness 
hung over the country, and a rising war hysteria had nearly everyone cowed. 
Americans were just beginning to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, 
and focus on what had happened, and how to react. It was very early on the 
morning of the 23rd when, scanning the headlines, I came across a 
Washington Post story by John Mintz: "60 Israelis Detained on Tourist Visas 
Since Sept. 11." Odd, I thought, why go after the Israelis, probably the 
least likely suspects?


U.S. Population Underestimate Iraqi Death Toll

Americans are keenly aware of how many U.S. forces have lost their lives in 
Iraq, according to a new AP-Ipsos poll. But they woefully underestimate the 
number of Iraqi civilians who have been killed.


Rape, murder -- and conspiracy

Most of you know about Steven Green, the soldier accused of raping a 
15-year-old girl and then murdering both her and her family last March. 
Green hails from Midland, Texas, the same town the Bush family used to call 


Blame it all on Bush. That is our mantra right now

If we end up creating a huge conflagration in the Middle East we will 
"blame it all on Bush." He is the worst President ever in American history. 
He lied us into an unnecessary war. He created unnecessary conflict. He 
inflamed the terrorism of the Middle East.


Tony Blair Makes Comical Ali Seem the Voice of Reason

The former Iraqi regime spokesman's boasts seem almost prophetic. Unlike 
the prime minister's deluded declarations.


It Can Happen Here

For the first time since the resignation of Richard M. Nixon more than 
three decades ago, Americans have had reason to doubt the future of 
democracy and the rule of law in our own country.


"Insurgents" kill 10 policemen in attack on checkpoint near Baghdad

"Insurgents" earlier stormed an Iraqi police checkpoint near Baghdad 
airport, killing eight policemen in a bold challenge to a U.S.-backed 
security crackdown in the capital aimed at halting sectarian violence.


Another U.S. Military Assault on Media

"They killed our colleagues, closed so many newspapers, arrested hundreds 
of us and now they are shooting at our hearts by raiding our headquarters. 
This is the freedom of speech we received."


  Life in Baghdad

Life in baghdad is like Hell, I used the term Hell and yet its worse than 
hell. People are locked up in their homes trying to be safe and yet they're 
not safe enough. streets are almost empty all the time and though they 
aren't safe enough. All life's activites are stopped, for me I stopped 
going to school two months ago, and now I only go there if I have an exam 
or an important lab.

Life in Baghdad became less meaningful, there is no life in the city, 
people are scared to go out, they are afraid of fake police patrols or fake 
check points, they are afraid of random explosions, they are afraid of 
black militias and gunmen who would kill people for sectarian reasons.Horro 
is everywhere, people are terrified even from their own shadows.


Chalabi's back -- again

In today's WSJ, Yochi Dreazen has piece about the latest return of Ahmed 
Chalabi, this time a special adviser to the Baghdad surge. In fact, Chalabi 
never really went away. But his new job puts him back at the center of things.

Those seeking background on Chalabi, and his long ties to the neocons, 
ought to take a look at my 2002 profile of the man for The American 
Prospect, the first significant piece on him in the U.S. media.


Alleged intel fixer Chalabi to assume new role as part of 'surge'

Ahmed Chalabi, the former deputy prime minister of Iraq who has come under 
suspicion for his pre-war involvement in supplying questionable 
intelligence supporting the invasion, has assumed a new role within the 
Iraqi government, according to a report in today’s Wall Street Journal.


Who is Ahmad Chalabi : Chalabi's long and winding road from (and to?) Baghdad

If T.E. Lawrence ("of Arabia") had been a 21st-century neoconservative 
operative instead of a British imperial spy, he'd be Ahmed Chalabi's best 
friend. Chalabi, the London-based leader of the Iraqi National Congress 
(INC), is front man for the latest incarnation of a long-time 
neoconservative strategy to redraw the map of the oil-rich Middle East, put 
American troops -- and American oil companies -- in full control of the 
Persian Gulf's reserves and use the Gulf as a fulcrum for enhancing 
America's global strategic hegemony. Just as Lawrence's escapades in World 
War I-era Arabia helped Britain remake the disintegrating Ottoman Empire, 
the U.S. sponsors of Chalabi's INC hope to do their own nation building.


Nearly 800 contractors killed in Iraq

In a largely invisible cost of the war in Iraq, nearly 800 civilians 
working under contract to the Pentagon have been killed and more than 3,300 
hurt doing jobs normally handled by the U.S. military, according to figures 
gathered by The Associated Press.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 23 February 2007

    * US retaliates for Resistance attack on al-Habbaniyah base by shelling 
residential area, killing four civilians.
    * US continues lockdown and attacks on ar-Ramadi with civilian death 
toll standing at 30.
    * US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in ‘Anah 
Friday morning.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Intelligence vehicle, killing agents 
inside near Samarra’ Friday morning.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Tikrit 
Thursday afternoon.
    * Resistance ambush leaves two puppet policemen dead in al-‘Awjah 
Friday morning.
    * Son of SCIRI chief arrested by US forces en route to Iran.
    * Resistance pounds US camp in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah with mortars early 
Friday afternoon.
    * Fuel tanker filled with explosives blows up at US checkpoint in 
ar-Rutbah Friday afternoon.
    * Resistance mortars pound US base in Abu Ghurayb Friday morning.
    * Resistance bomb damages US Humvee in al-Ghazaliyah Friday morning.
    * Resistance bombards puppet police headquaters in al-Kazimiyah with 
heavy mortars Friday morning.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet “Shock Troop” captain at 
checkpoint Friday morning.
    * Resistance fighters attack two men working on US base in Balad.
    * Resistance mortars pound US base in al-Yusufiyah area Friday morning.
    * Resistance bomb disables US Humvee near al-Huwayjah at noon Friday.


Taliban 'in control' in Helmand

Al Jazeera has uncovered evidence that Taliban fighters are now in 
effective control of large parts of a key province in southwest 
Afghanistan, despite recent claims by Nato that their bases had been destroyed.

James Bays spent two days with the Taliban in Helmand and found that the 
group is running schools and medical facilities, and is travelling armed 
and unchallenged by Nato-led forces.


No Change on Sanctions After Abbas Trip

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ended his European tour Saturday 
without persuading any country to end crippling economic sanctions based on 
his power-sharing deal with the rival Islamic militant Hamas.


"Amana – The Settlement Movement", a Zionist organization, hosting USA fair 
in NJ, promoting apartheid and the illegal sale of occupied land

"Amana – The Settlement Movement", a Zionist organization, will host a real 
estate fair in Teaneck, New Jersey to recruit more colonizers to illegally 
occupy Palestinian land in the West Bank. The event announcement declares: 
"Come learn how you, a group of friends or even a community can own a home 
and strengthen the Zionist dream."


46 of 49 Nations OK Ban on Cluster Bombs

Some key arms makers - including the U.S., Russia, Israel and China - 
snubbed the conference of 49 nations. Of those attending, Poland, Romania 
and Japan did not approve the final text.,,-6435402,00.html


Nichols says bombing was FBI op

The only surviving convicted criminal in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the 
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is saying his 
co-conspirator, Timothy McVeigh, told him he was taking orders from a top 
FBI official in orchestrating the bombing,1249,660197443,00.html


Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant

A paid FBI informant was the man behind a neo-Nazi march through the 
streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community 
and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization.,0,268096.story?coll=sfla-news-florida


The US psychological torture system is finally on trial

America has deliberately driven hundreds, perhaps thousands, of prisoners 
insane. Now it is being held to account in a Miami court,,2019580,00.html


-muslim voice-

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