THE STREET MIMBAR Khutbah (23 March 2007)
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  It is in such a manner that We make plain our signs so that the course of the
  criminals may become clear.
  Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. 
  Alhumdulillah. Peace and blessings on Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam), 
his Noble Companions and Family. 
  Brothers and Sisters, Muslims whose relationship with Allah Azza Wa Jall is 
one of responsibilities and duties and one of tasks and obligations....
  audio on 
  With Allahs presence and with His power, we shall move ahead shedding some 
light on the ambiguous areas and on the traditional practices that more or less 
define our behaviour towards ourselves, which is in need of a long overdue 
correction. Let us face it- we have an incorrect attitude towards ourselves. We 
may be repeating this but we have a lot to be desired when it comes to the way 
we behave towards ourselves, especially, brothers towards sisters. Sometimes it 
doesn’t occur to us to think in the way that Allah presented some of these 
issues to us but we never cared to look at them as far as a man and a woman are 
concerned. We know, (at least most of us know), that we do have a ruler in 
history who has been thoroughly condemned by the Qur’an. Obviously, that ruler 
is a man the Firaun in Egypt himself. The Qur’an has many ayaat that break down 
and bring down the features of the male ruler. One ayah that may substitute for 
many ayaat tell us the arrogant, hoardy and
 contemptible position that Firaun was in. What was he doing? He was virtually 
going around killing whomever he wants and sparing the lives of whomever he 
  killing their sons and keeping their women alive. Behold he was one of these 
mufsideen, the person who is responsible for decay, decomposition, chaos and 
mischief making in the social order of the world (Surah Al-Qassas verse 4)
  If we want to make up for lost time in the relationship between men and 
women, it does seem to us like someone is taking this person to task because 
he’s a man. It is a reactionary attitude that looks and tries to evaluate a 
person’s behaviour because of a person’s sex. 
  For sure Firaun and Haamaan and their troops were in the wrong (Surah 
Al-Qassas verse 8)
  And Firaun says to Musa (alaihi salaam) 
  Ya Musa you’re a liar (Surah Al-Ghaafir verse 37)
  Almost any type of offensive behaviour that comes from this man is condemned 
in certain words, in certain ayaat and in the certain Qur’an. On the hand we 
have the Qur’an that speaks to us about another ruler and this ruler was a 
female. From what we know, every word about her is almost the opposite of those 
words projecting Firaun. Let us take a sample of words about this female ruler. 
How does Allah describe a female ruler? Firaun was not a Muslim ruler; he tried 
to become a Muslim when he was drowning. Bilqees, this queen that is mentioned 
in these ayaat was not mentioned a Muslimah- so both of these rulers were not 
Muslims, but how do they behave in their capacities as the ultimate decision 
makers in their own societies and in their own times? The condemnation of 
Firaun, the man, is a cascade of negative descriptions in the Qur’an, yet, here 
is what the Qur’an says about this female ruler. We have to emphasize, 
underline and reiterate that we don’t say these words to
 play into the hands of the type of feminism that circulates in the world 
today. We are not reacting, we are not chauvinistic men and we are not 
feministic reactionaries. Both of these extremes do not have any place in our 
book or in our behaviour. What does the Qur’an, Allah’s words say about this 
other non Muslim ruler?
  She is speaking to her public decision makers, “I have received 
correspondence.” (Surah An-Naml verse 29)
  In other words she is not making decisions behind closed doors. She’s 
up-front with her people, not like the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh had an inner circle 
(like we know).
  I have received a correspondence from Suleiman (alaih salaam) and this 
correspondence is in the name of Allah, the Mercy giver, the Merciful (Surah 
An-Naml verse 29-30)
  And, this correspondence from Suleiman to this society to this other society 
in the southern part of Arabia says 
  Do not come to me with a superior approach but come to me in a submissive 
state to Allah (Surah An-Naml verse 32)
  This letter that Suleiman wrote to the queen of Saba’ is expressive and is a 
detail of how Muslims in the positions of power behave. In other words he is 
saying we don’t expect you to come to show us your power or force- come to us 
in normal way- not belligerent, not hostile and not showing us the power that 
you may have but in a mood that is conciliatory with Allah, that is yielding to 
the power of Allah and that recognises the dominance of Allah. What did she do? 
Did she go behind closed doors? No. Once again, she is speaking to a public 
decision making body of people, Al-mala’, the influential body of her society, 
she says, (literally speaking), give me a fatwa. I am in need of a fatwa, an 
enlightened or an informed decision, concerning this affair of mine. What am I 
going to do? In other words, you participate and you let me know what your 
thoughts are on this matter. She says to them 
  I never made a decision without your presence or participation in it or 
without your observation of it (Surah An-Naml verse 32)
  Remember, this is a woman and Allah has chosen from the course of history the 
correct attitude of the ruler even if that is coming from a woman. What did 
they say? The political feedback that she received was, 
  These public advisers of hers said we are a society of force and we are 
society of awesome power (Surah An-Naml verse 33)
  Now, telling you how we feel about this give and take between you and 
Suleiman, we say to you when it comes to the military, the army or fighting 
power, we have it. Meaning, if you want to take on this other ruler who is 
corresponding with you we are alert and ready, but then, after that the 
decision is yours.
  you make the decision and then you issue the order (Surah An-Naml verse 33)
  Now, this looks like, at least as in as far as her administration, they were 
gearing up for a type of confrontation with Suleiman and then what does she say 
after she reads very closely what Suleiman wrote to her and listens closely to 
what her consultants, advisers and her public is saying to her, what does she 
  When kings forcefully enter another society or social order they corrupt it 
and they bring down the noble people of that society and humiliate them and 
that has always been their course of action (Surah An-Naml verse 34)
  This is a deep understanding of history and it is a sensitive and fair 
understanding of people who are in possession of awesome power. Sometimes, this 
ayah or statement is repeated by scholars and people in the talking 
professions- they repeat this ayah not the one before it or after- they try and 
make a point against monarchies, kings and hereditary rulers and the listeners, 
many times don’t understand that they are quoting a woman. Allah quotes a woman 
and we quote Allah who quotes that woman, but somehow we don’t absorb the total 
facts that are relevant to this issue. The point that we are trying to bring 
home is we have a comparison- when you read Allah’s sacred scripture read what 
He has to say about Firaun, the man ruler, and read what He has to say about 
Bilqees or the queen of Sheba, the female ruler. The bad reputation of Firaun 
is scattered throughout many surahs in the Qur’an. The good reputation of 
Bilqees is in Surat An-Naml. The way we behave, especially the
 men in Muslim societies towards the women, what is it there that we have that 
tells us that Bilqees was out of place in saying what she said and in doing 
what she did. So, what did she finally do? 
  I am going to send them a gift (Surah An-Naml verse 35)
  Bilqees says to all these people who were militarily ready “I am going to 
send them a present and then I’ll see how they are going to answer this present 
that I am sending. If you were to take today’s average working Muslim mind and 
you tell them look at Allah and how he speaks very favourably of a woman ruler- 
if somehow she was out of place and she didn’t belonged where she was, then why 
is this in the Qur’an and why is it brought to our attention? We can take that 
as a cue and accompany our thoughts to the time of Allah’s prophet and realise 
that when the prophet of Allah was ordered to go public to the people he was 
closest to, the ayah in the Qur’an says to Allah’s prophet
  and give words of cautionary advice to those who are your close relatives 
(Surah Ash-Shuara’ verse 214)
  So, he stands up and he says O you, the descendants of my great grandfather 
(so and so); O you, the offspring of my great grandfather (so and so), my 
worldly possessions and my worldly wealth will not benefit any of you in the 
least, none of it will benefit you when it comes to Allah. Meaning you have to 
look out for yourselves. Then he says (several meanings come to our mind when 
we recall these sentences of the prophet) but what we are concerned with is why 
mention Safiya, his aunt, and Fatima, his daughter, (radi Allahu anhuma) unless 
he is trying to make a point and drive home the fact that womanhood in society 
has to be given full recognition and has to be addressed.
  We go on- when this wahy, this history making event occurred and the prophet 
listened to Allahs words for the 1st time, he goes home and he speaks to his 
wife, Khadijah (radi Allahu anha), and he tells of what happened and she 
becomes the 1st to commit to Allah. A woman becomes the 1st after the prophet 
to adhere to Allah. What is this? We can’t figure out why we have minds today 
who try to exclude women altogether when we have these types of examples. 
Sumayah bint Khabaat (radi Allahu anha), the mother of Ammaar (radi Allahu 
anhu)- Allah says 
  don’t consider those who have been killed on or for a cause of Allah dead, 
they are alive (Surah Ahl-Imran verse 169)
  Now, when we think- the best that we can think and if we try to go back to 
the early years of the prophet’s life, who was, if not the 1st one, of the 1st 
to give her life for the cause and on a direction to Allah? Wasn’t it Sumayah, 
a woman? Which means these Muslims didn’t have the attitude “let’s close our 
women up in secluded rooms or let’s hide them in our homes; they can’t come out 
and participate in the social responsibilities of Islam.” When the Muslims were 
confined in Shi’b Abi Taalib for three years the family- that was an Islamic 
family- had its men and women there. We don’t know of any case in which a 
Muslim male that knew that Quraish was on a course of economic warfare against 
the Muslims in Makkah told their women- their mothers, wives, sisters or their 
daughters “no, you stay at home, its our right; we know what they are going to 
do to us we know that we are going to go through an extended period of severe 
hunger.” They used to chew on leather because of
 the hunger. They didn’t tell their womanhood “OK, you stay at home we’ll go 
and bare the consequences”- their own women were out there with them. When the 
Muslims were forced under the social, political and psychological pressure that 
came to bare on them in Makkah they went on two waves of Al-hijrah to Africa. 
We are told that there were about 83 men and between 15 and 20 women. No one 
was saying “Oh no, this is going to be a very long journey, we don’t know what 
the consequences are going to be, or we are going into the un-known, so keep 
our women out or stay back home.” It never occurred. We don’t have a scant 
sentence to that effect in the books of history and seerah. So, how come today, 
if we have the same pressure coming to bear on us, some of us will say “we have 
to keep our women away from these challenges.” That wasn’t the case. 
  When the Prophet of Allah was forced to leave Makkah for Al-Medinah because 
they wanted to kill him- it’s just like a president or a leader of a certain 
country who wants to leave his domicile and go somewhere else- this is 
considered like top secret information- who knew about this? The women of 
Allahs Prophet, his family and his relatives knew about this. Fatimah, Aaishah, 
Asma’ (radi Allahu anhunna) knew about it. If there was something like “Oh, we 
can’t trust women with information,” then why did they know about it and why 
were they actively facilitating his exodus from Makkah to Al-Medinah. Brothers 
and sisters, something is wrong with todays mentality among the Muslims that 
want to exclude women from their social responsibilities. 
  Umm Salamah (radi Allahu anha), the Prophets wife, at the time of 
Al-Hudaybiyah, this was a time of non-belligerency between the Mushriks of 
Makkah and the Muslims of Al-Medinah. When the Prophet agreed to the 
stipulations of Al-Hudaybiyah, the Muslims felt offended and the Prophet came 
up to them and said that they should shave their heads and sacrifice an animal. 
They wouldn’t do it. The Prophet was telling them frankly and candidly what to 
do, but because they felt so humiliated, they didn’t feel like doing what 
Allahs Prophet was telling them to do. He returns to his wife, Umm Salamah and 
he tells her what was going on. She, his wife, says to him why don’t you- don’t 
speak to them at all- just go and do what has to be done. You want them to 
shave their heads, just shave your head; and you want them to perform a nahr, 
slaughtering of an animal, just do it, and, the Prophet did exactly that. He 
didn’t speak to them and he did what he told them to do. Thereafter, every
 one of them did what he had originally told them to do, but in this case, the 
little un-noticed detail in history is that the Prophets wife had an input into 
the social behaviour of the committed Muslims who were reluctant to do what 
Allahs Prophet, their leader told them to do. On another occasion, Umm Salamah 
heard the Prophet in the Masjid saying “Ayyuhan Naas.” She was in her own room 
and someone was helping her look beautiful, someone was helping her comb her 
hair and do whatever women do to make them look appealing to their husbands and 
all of a sudden, she hear the Prophet say “Ayyuhan Naas” because the Prophets 
room was next to the Masjid, she heard him in the Masjid say “O People”, she 
told her assistant I want to go and attend to what the Prophet has to say. Her 
assistant said “He’s only calling for the people- you’re a women, you don’t 
have to go.” She said “No, when he says “O People”, that includes men and 
women” and she went to the Masjid to listen to what
 the Prophet said. How come we have an attitude in todays world where women are 
told by “scholars of Islam”- “You are discouraged from coming to the Masjid.” 
The Masjid at that time was not something just for a few minutes of worship; it 
was a hub for the activities of the Muslims. If there was a discussion for a 
military issue, it was in the Masjid, if there was going to be some type of 
negotiations with an enemy or another force around, it would be deliberated in 
the Masjid, even when people wanted to meet, young men and women- this is gone 
now and if it is back, it is not back in the right manner- if a man and a lady 
wanted to get married, they’d go to the Masjid so that they could get married; 
the Masjid was like a gym at times, where there is physical activity. The 
Prophet, on one occasion, had his wife look at Al-Ahbaash, these were like 
African athletes who were performing their own physical or martial arts (as we 
would say), and where was this done? In the Masjid. 
  When Umar (radi Allahu anhu) said that the dowry that a man gives to his wife 
upon marriage, as-sadaaq or al-mahr, should not exceed 400 dirhams, a lady 
stands up and says “but that is not right” and she quoted the ayah 
  Even if you were to give the bride to be a qintaar, a tonnage of money or 
silver and gold, there’s no limitation to this Surah An-Nisa’ verse 20)
  There’s no limitation to this- So, she was objecting to this in the Masjid, 
in front of everyone. What did the ruler say? He wasn’t an arrogant ruler to 
say “Well, silence her or take her out of the Masjid.” What did he say? He said 
most or all the people know more than Umar (radi Allahu anhu). He stood to be 
corrected. It wasn’t like someone was being embarrassed. He didn’t take that as 
“coming from a woman, that should embarrass him or bring him down.” He was like 
all those who were in the footsteps of Allah’s prophet- waqqafun inda 
hududillah and waqqafun inda awaamirillah. This was and should continue to be 
the active role of Muslimaat in the world around us. This is what we should 
observe without reactions, without being apologetic, without feeling inferior 
or bouncing around between masculine verses feminine positions. 
  Brothers and sisters, committed Muslims…
  We have an organised and a coordinated attempt to paralyse half of our 
society. Nothing disturbs the enemy, rather, everything will be a delight to 
the enemies of Allah if half of the Muslims were paralysed. Our women folk, our 
nisa’ are half of our society and where are they? Then, all over sudden when 
some of them step out into the real world and they may carry explosives on 
their bodies- we are not advocating this as the first step of having our women 
be honoured in their full civil character- but circumstances sometimes force 
members of our society to do things that normally we would not do. 30 or 40 
years ago you looked at the Muslim world and populations and you could 
comfortably say half of them are inactive, stagnant and virtually non-existent 
and then all over sudden today individuals from that same half of the Muslim 
women of the worlds are participating in military responsibilities. This 
becomes scary and it terrifies those who have been keeping a close watch
 and monitoring the movements of the Muslims. We say to them “this is only the 
beginning, there is more to come.” We know that the ignorance- that they have 
sponsored with their academic programmes- have tied half of us down to secluded 
quarters, a demeaning niqaab and to the inability of women to share and partake 
in all the rewards that are available to men. Now, they’re scared, this is big. 
You do not have to be scared if you are not doing anything wrong. Remember we 
are doing this in our back-yards (so to speak) not in your backyards. What are 
you afraid of? Some of you are resigning, some of you are forced out of office 
and some of you are voted out- these are the distant reactions. You see, they 
don’t want to connect what is happening here with what is happening there, but 
reason that they are in political free-fall is because the majority of us are 
in a military mode to do what has to be done. The process has already began we 
hope our words that describe our today
 will become distant history tomorrow and Allah will expedite the resumption of 
our full potential- men and women- without this segregation, discrimination and 
this apartheid in this Ummah.

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