In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

  War, Lies and WMDs

Is there an ethical distinction between lying to 
get your country out of a war and lying to get 
your country into one? The preponderance of the 
evidence strongly suggests that Bush did the 
latter when he said the existence of Saddam 
Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction was 
sufficient reason to go to war with Iraq.

Saddam Hussein was under an obligation to destroy 
his WMDs under the terms that ended the first 
Iraq war. To justify a second Iraq war to 
implement a regime change, Bush needed to show 
that Saddam Hussein was in violation of those 
terms. His basic instrument was United Nations 
Resolution 1441. In order to get a second 
resolution to satisfy his only real ally, 
Britain, he needed evidence that the U.N. 
inspectors were failing and that WMDs did, indeed, exist.

To this end, Colin Powell trotted out photos of 
vehicles that may or may not have been mobile 
weapons labs and produced statements by defectors 
that the WMDs did exist. To this spectacle, 
America and Britain added an obsolete 
dissertation by a graduate student published in 
an Israeli journal from an institution for 
research in international affairs funded by 
Ronald Lauder, and forged documents from Niger 
about Saddam’s attempts to purchase uranium for 
making nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, Bush and his 
minions, including Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleeza 
Rice kept repeating that the WMDs were there, and 
that there were proven Iraqi ties to Al Queda, 
the other justification for the war being that it 
was somehow related to the war on terrorism. 
There is still no concrete proof of any Iraq–Al Queda connection.


Islamophobia : Why Does the GOP Seek to Silence American Muslims?

Ahmed Rehab argues that America is facing a 
battle between proponents of dialogue and those 
who wish to stifle dialogue and replace it with Islamophobic fear-mongering.

Is it possible for Muslim Americans to criticize 
our administration’s neoconservative foreign 
policies, our government’s complicit role in 
Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land, 
or our violations of civil liberties, and not be 
branded as “apologists for terror”?

Since the 9/11 attacks, anti-Muslim hysteria has 
evolved from a collective knee-jerk reaction to a 
coordinated cottage industry of agenda-driven extremists.

Baseless suspicion of Muslims - not actual 
wrongdoing - is now apparently sufficient to 
demand that certain Americans be stripped of the 
right to speak freely in our nation’s beacon of 
democracy and pluralism, the U.S. Capitol building.


  Zionist Groups Killed News Stories About Mossad & 9/11

“What are you doing putting this stuff out there? You’re killing us!”

These were the words of Abraham Foxman, executive 
director of the infamous Anti-Defamation League, 
considered by many in the know to be nothing more 
than a domestic branch of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad.

Had Americans been made aware of the arrests of 
hundreds of Israeli intelligence officers in the 
aftermath of Sept. 11 and the highly suspicious 
circumstances surrounding them, it is 
unlikely—even as propagandized as they are 
concerning the Middle East—that they would have 
signed on to sending their sons and daughters off 
to fight and die for Israel in Iraq.

Cover-ups are part of the dirty business of the 
Israeli lobby. Whether it involves the murderous 
attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli forces in 
1967, Israeli foreknowledge of Sept. 11, the 
attempt to secure the release of major spy 
Jonathan Pollard or the efforts to gain an 
acquittal for the two AIPAC executives now 
standing trial for espionage, the conclusion to 
which all Americans must arrive is that Israel 
and her various tentacles collectively make up 
the most dangerous enemy the United States has ever faced.


Iran Releases New Video Of British Captives

Constrast this with how American terrorist 
occupiers treated  Iraqi prisoners (very graphic with full nudity)


Dictatorship : Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist 'no-fly' list

A top Constitutional scholar from Princeton who 
gave a televised speech that slammed President 
George W. Bush's executive overreach recently 
learned that he had been added to the 
Transportation Security Administration's 
terrorist watch list. He shared his experience 
this weekend at the law blog Balkinization.


War Criminal : West Has Bloodied Hands

04/01/07 "Toronto Sun" -- -- Who was the first 
high government official to authorize use of 
mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq?

If your answer was Saddam Hussein's cousin, the 
notorious "Chemical Ali" -- aka Ali Hassan al-Majid -- you're wrong.

The correct answer: Sainted Winston Churchill. As 
colonial secretary and secretary for war and air, 
he authorized the RAF in the 1920s to routinely 
use mustard gas against rebellious Kurdish 
tribesmen in Iraq and against Pashtun tribes on 
British India's northwest frontier.


Darfur Sudan background and commentary : Did the 
Mainstream West Media Telling the Truth ?

I find it interesting that there are so many 
sucker Muslims, chosenite Jews like rabbi Lerner, 
and sweet, white, European and American "do 
gooders" who care sooooo much about the Muslim 
darkies in Darfur . While never visiting Sudan or 
talking to people from Sudan , like I and others 
have, they pick up pages from a known to be lying 
Zionist media and run with it as gospel truth. 
They just know it is the truth. Of course it has 
to be!!! But what is interesting is when you 
compare the news given by independent groups 
versus mainstream media about Sudan , it is the 
Zionist mainstream media who are pushing hard the 
genocide and massacre of the people of Darfur by 
that evil Islamic Sudanese government. Other news 
sources are not calling it genocide and are not 
blaming the Sudanese government for the problems. 
At the same time it is a fact that Sudan has been 
considered an enemy of the US for several years 
and both the US and Israel have been supporting 
rebels in  an effort to overthrow the government. 
Clinton even launched a missile attack that 
destroyed the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant in 
Sudan . This plant, by the way, was responsible 
for over 50% of Sudan 's medicine. This included 
90% of the most critically needed drugs.


Puppet troops force 12-year-old boy to pick up 
bomb, causing his death in Samarra’.

In a dispatch posted at 3:13pm Baghdad time 
Sunday afternoon, the Association of Muslim 
Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported thatthe puppet 
Iraqi regime forces that are blockading the city 
of Samarra’, 120km north of Baghdad, force a boy 
to pick up a bomb, which then exploded and killed 
him, according to reports by eyewitnesses.

AMSI reported the witnesses as saying that the 
puppet troops on a patrol in one of the streets 
of Samarra’ forced a 12-year-old boy to carry a 
bomb.  The device exploded, killing the boy.


One third of Iraqis live in poverty ­ UN report

One-third of Iraqis are now living in poverty, 
according to the findings of dire UN study for a 
nation that enjoyed prosperity less than three decades ago.

The study, carried out by the United Nations 
Development Program and a division of the Iraqi 
government, is the first major survey of living 
conditions for poverty-stricken Iraqis since the 2003 U.S.- led invasion.


In case you missed it: A tale of two photos - West Mainstream Media's Fake

  Photos grabbed off of Reuters show a long-shot 
view of Fardus Square... it's empty save for the 
U.S. Marines, the International Press, and a small handful of Iraqis.

The photographs tell the story... Is This Media 
manipulation on a grand scale?   Yes, the occupation has begun.

April 6th: Iraqi National Congress founder, Ahmed 
Chalabi is flown into the southern Iraqi city of 
Nasiriyah by the Pentagon. Chalabi, along with 
700 fighters of his "Free Iraqi Forces" are 
airlifted aboard four massive C17 military 
transport planes. Chalabi and the INC are 
Washington favorites to head the new Iraqi 
government. A photograph is taken of Chalabi and 
members of his Free Iraqi Forces militia as they arrive in Nasiriyah.

April 9th: One of the "most memorable images of 
the war" is created when U.S. troops pull down 
the statue of Saddam Hussein in Fardus Square. 
Oddly enough... a photograph is taken of a man 
who bears an uncanny resemblance to one of 
Chalabi's militia members... he is near Fardus 
Square to greet the Marines. How many members of 
the pro-American Free Iraqi Forces were in and 
around Fardus Square as the statue of Saddam came tumbling down?

The up close action video of the statue being 
destroyed is broadcast around the world as proof 
of a massive uprising. Still photos grabbed off 
of Reuters show a long-shot view of Fardus 
Square... it's empty save for the U.S. Marines, 
the International Press, and a small handful of 
Iraqis. There are no more than 200 people in the 
square at best. The Marines have the square 
sealed off and guarded by tanks. A U.S. 
mechanized vehicle is used to pull the statue of 
Saddam from it's base. The entire event is being 
hailed as an equivalent of the Berlin Wall 
falling... but even a quick glance of the 
long-shot photo shows something more akin to a 
carefully constructed media event tailored for the television cameras.


In case you missed it: The Toppling Of Saddam Statue: An Eyewitness Report


In case you missed it : Army Stage-Managed Fall of Hussein Statue

A Marine recovery vehicle toppled the statue with 
a chain, but the effort appeared to be 
Iraqi-inspired because the psychological team had 
managed to pack the vehicle with cheering Iraqi children.


9/11 Pentagon Flag Used To Cover Saddam's Face In Baghdad

We've just learned from the US marines that the 
US flag that was put on the face of Saddam 
yesterday - it was replaced by an Iraqi flag when 
the people shouted for that - was the flag that 
was flying over the Pentagon on September 11.

For a lot of the American marines, they think 
this war is all about defeating terrorism, they 
will tell you that over and over again. There is 
also a connection in the minds of the American 
public between the regime of Saddam and what 
happened on September 11, and apparently the flag 
that was draped over this face was flying over 
the pentagon when the plane crashed into it.


Australia's 'blood money' payments to Iraqis revealed

The payments are huge sums for Iraqis, with the 
US Agency for International Development putting 
the present Iraq average annual income at $1830.,23599,21524215-2,00.html


Iraq: Hundreds of thousands protest U.S. occupation

Hundreds of thousands of chanting Iraqi Shias 
burned and stamped on US flags at an 
anti-American rally called by "firebrand" cleric 
Moqtada Al Sadr on the fourth anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 8 April 2007

    * After population refuses to sell out 
Resistance men, US conducts mass raids, arrests 
in ar-Ramadi Sunday afternoon, rounding up 50 
people between the ages of 14 and 60.
    * Shi‘i sectarian gunmen blast Sunni mosque, 
shoot down woman in Baghdad’s al-‘Amil district.
    * US admits 10 American troops killed on Saturday, Sunday.
    * US soldier reported killed in Resistance 
bombing in southern Baghdad Sunday afternoon.
    * Bodies of 17 more torture, murder victims found in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet policeman in al-A‘zamiyah Sunday morning.
    * Shaykh Harith ad-Darri: secret services of 
US, UK, “Israel,” and Iraq work round the clock 
to stir up sectarian fighting in Iraq.
    * Puppet troops force 12-year-old boy to pick 
up bomb, causing his death in Samarra’.
    * Pro-American Shi‘i sectarian religious 
authority, Ayatallah as-Sistani, hospitalized in an-Najaf.
    * Ad-Dulu ‘iyah, Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee Saturday night.
    * Mortar shell blasts into residential area in al-Miqdadiyah, killing one.
    * Mysterious explosion kills 17 in al-Mahmudiyah Sunday.
    * Resistance car bomb kills, wounds eight 
Kurdish separatist Peshmergah gunmen.
    * Military operations by US, puppet troops in 
ad-Diwaniyah leave seven dead.
    * US, British consulates pounded by mortars before dawn Sunday.


Annals of Liberation: Bush "Terror War" Gives Taliban Big Boost

The Independent reports that a new study in the 
region shows that support for the Taliban is 
growing even among moderates who were once glad 
to see the back of the primitive fundamentalists. 
Crime and violence are now running rampant under 
the satrapy set up by the primitive 
fundamentalists back in Washington, making the 
lives of locals a living hell – the identical 
outcome of all of Bush's Terror War "regime 
change" operations, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.


U.S Force Feeding Guantanamo Hunger Striker's

Several detainees at Guantanamo Bay have joined a 
long-running hunger strike that attorneys say is 
a protest against harsher conditions at a new 
prison unit, bringing their number to 13, a 
spokesman at the U.S. military base said Monday.


Who's the Boss?

How Pat Robertson's law school is changing America.


Gonzales Crams for a Senate Grilling

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has virtually 
wiped his public schedule clean to bone up for 
his long-awaited April 17 testimony before the 
Senate Judiciary Committee-a session widely seen 
as a crucial test as to whether he will survive the U.S. attorney mess.


Dictatorship : 6-Year-Olds Under Arrest

When 6-year-old Desre'e Watson threw a tantrum in 
her kindergarten class a couple of weeks ago she 
could not have known that the full force of the 
law would be brought down on her and that she 
would be carted off by the police as a felon.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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