Anda pecinta Ice Cream?
Nih untuk para Ice Cream Lover ada ice cream impor baru yang beredar di 
Indonesia (tepatnya baru diJakarta aja). 

Familiar dengan merk dagang Baskin Robin? 
Yang ini di jamin uang kembali pasti lebih enak...

Familiar dengan merk Hagen Daz?
yang ini dijamin lebih variatif dan inovatif rasanya...

yang ini namanya Ben&Jerry ice cream

Dijual dengan harga Rp (473ml) dengan pilihan rasa yang sekali lagi 
bakal bikin anda ketagihan karena saking enaknya...
Pesanan akan langsung diantar kealamat anda. (Tapi dengan sangat menyesal 
karena keterbatasan SDM, kami baru dapat melayani pesan antar ke alamat sekitar 
Jakarta Selatan, Timur, Bekasi Selatan dan Depok saja) Minimum pesanan untuk 
satu alamat itu 3 pint dan TIDAK dikenakan biaya pesan antar. Kecuali untuk 
pemesanan dibawah 3 pint akan dikenakan ongkos delivery 
Rp 3.000,- (untuk Jakarta Selatan& Depok) s/d Rp 5.000,- (Untuk Jakarta Timur& 
Bekasi Selatan)

Berikut adalah beberapa Pilihan Rasa yang tersedia untuk anda (Untuk sementara 
baru tersedia 23flavor). Untuk nutrition facts, pictures dan informasi lainnya 
silahkan kunjungi

Banana Split
Banana and strawberry ice cream with walnut, fudge chunks& a fudge swirl.

Cherry Garcia
Our euphorically edible tribute to guitarist Jerry Garcia & Grateful Dead fans 
everywhere, it's the first ice cream named for a rock legend & the most famous 
of our family of Fan-Suggested flavors. Enjoy!

Dublin Mudslide
Go ahead -- take a wild ride down the Dublin Mudslide! From the first dreamy 
dip into the truly Irish Cream liqueur ice cream, through the jumpin' java 
fudge swirl & chipsy chocolatey cookies, don't be surprised to hear your 
tastebuds exclaiming "Erin go Wow!"

Chunky Monkey
Banana ice cream with fudge chunks and walnuts

Chocolate Fudge Brownie
his flavor combines our great ice cream with chunks of chewy, fudgy brownies. 
These brownies are baked by Greyston Bakery, which provides employment & 
training to economically disadvantaged residents of Yonkers, NY. We are glad to 
have Greyston as a business partner because we get great tasting brownies and 
we also get to support the good work they do to create economic opportunities 
in their community.

New York Super Fudge Chunks
Chocolate ice cream with white and dark fudge chunks, pecans, walnuts,& fudge 
covered almonds, hmmm, yummmy...

Pistachio Pistachio
Ahhhh, pistachio…. It’s one great nut. That’s why we filled this pint with a 
deliciously intense sea of pistachio ice cream loaded with sweet nuts you won’t 
have to crack to savor. To make room for this all natural good stuff, we don’t 
put a lot of air into our ice cream.

Half Baked
Whenever we visit our scoop shops we notice our friends combining their 
favorite flavors to create cool new combos. And we thought what a great idea! 
So we took our favorite Ben & Jerry's and swirled them together to invent some 
twisted flavors. Now you get more of everything! Enjoy!

Everything But.... * * * *
Whenever we visit our scoop shops we notice our friends combining their 
favorite flavors to create cool new combos. And we thought what a great idea! 
So we took your favorite Ben & Jerry's and swirled them together to invent some 
twisted new flavors. Now you get more of everything!

Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch
In the early days, Ben and Jerry would buy cases of whole HEATH® Bars, & to 
make them into chunks, Jerry would throw them from the top of a ladder. Now 
that’s creative!

Karamel Sutra * * * * *
We created this Core Concoction to help you find your way to the ultimate ice 
cream experience. Whether your primal urges lead you to scoop into the sweet 
core of caramel, soothe your passions through the serene ice cream streams, or 
play scoop-&-tickle with the fudge chips, you'll be in total control of your 
own ice cream destiny.

Low Fat Frozen Yoghurt Cherry Garcia
When it comes to dessert, it's no easy feat to watch what you eat and enjoy 
eating it too. That's why we're offering options we think'll tickle your 
nutritional fancy as well as amaze your tastebuds....and why you'll be glad to 
know our legendary Cherry Garcia Low Fat Frozen Yogurt still delivers the same 
great taste, in a different container. Enjoy! (Remember:Friends don’t let 
friends overdo dessert. Exercise your options responsibly.)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Vanilla ice cream with gobs of chocolate and caramel ice cream& fudge, enjoy!

Home Made "Vanilla"
Vanilla ice cream

Home Made "Chocolate"
Chocolate ice cream

Coffee ice cream (made with fair traded certified coffee)

Phish Food
Chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow, a caramel swirl and fudge fish, 

Peanut Butter Cup
Peanut butter ice cream with real peanut butter cups, enjoy!

Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
Coffee ice cream with chunks of heath bar crunch, enjoy!

Oatmeal cookie chunk
Sweet cream cinnamon ice cream with chunks of oatmeal cookies& fudges, enjoy!

Fossil Fuel
Sweet cream ice cream with chocolate Cookie pieces, big fudge& fudge swirl...

Mint chocolate cookie
Peppermint ice cream with oxford creme cookies

Vanilla caramel fudge
Vanilla ice cream with swirls of caramel and fudge.

Silahkan pesan ice cream pilihan anda ke nomer 021 998 343 28 & 0817 683 96 38 
Buka dari hari Senin s/d Minggu (kecuali hari Sabtu) dari pukul 06.00 s/d 21.00 

Dan sejumlah rupiah  yang anda keluarkan tidak akan berakhir sia-sia di tangan 
penjual. Karena 10% dari hasil keuntungan penjualan akan disumbangkan untuk 
anak-anak penderita gizi buruk disekitar Jabotabek. Bagi costumer yang berminat 
datang saat penyerahan santunan yang diselenggarakan setiap akhir triwulan 
(terhitung sejak bulan Juli 2007). Silahkan memberikan konfirmasi ke nomer 
telepon diatas.

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