Tapi sayang sampai saat ini belum ada niatan umat Islam dan Kristiani di 
seluruh dunia untuk membebaskan AL-QUDS (palesitne) dari zionis Israel.
Mengingat sejarah Al Quds sangat kental sekali dengan peradaban Islam dan 

"Al-Quds punya tempat yang istimewa di hati semua umat Islam dan juga menjadi 
simbol keagamaan bagi umat Kristiani. Maka, mereka juga harus memberikan 
perhatian yang lebih pada masalah ini, " Ulama senior Libanon Muhammad Hussein 

Hafsah Salim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               Kirkuk 
Adalah Wilayah Kurdi--Arab & Turki Dipaksa Keluar
 Setiap orang Arab yang bersedia keluar dari Kirkuk akan diberikan uang
 kompensasi $16 ribu, rencana pemerintah Irak untuk mengevakuasi orang2
 Arab dan Turki keluar Kirkuk karena wilayah ini akan dikembalikan
 kepada penduduk aselinya yaitu Suku Kurdi.
 Suku Kurdi ini dulunya dievakuasi oleh Sadam Hussein dan wilayah ini
 kemudian didiami oleh orang2 Arab dan Turki dari kelompok Islam Sunni.
  Khusus untuk orang2 Arab mendapatkan kompensasi dari pemerintah Arab,
 namun untuk yang bukan Arab seperti orang2 Turki, mereka dipaksa
 keluar tanpa kompensasi apapun.
 Perbuatan masa lalu berbalas, dulu masuk merebut wilayah Kurdi
 sekarang keluar ditendang karena Kurdi serentak masuk lagi.
 Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.
 Baghdad: The process of paying compensation for Arabs to leave Kirkuk
 and settle in other places has started, the governor of the troubled
 Iraqi province said.
 Abdul Rahman Mustafa, Governor of Kirkuk, told Gulf News: "The
 compensation process has already begun and every Arab who wishes to
 leave Kirkuk is being paid about 20 million Iraqi dinars ($16,000,
 Dh58,848). The compensation has been approved by the Committee for
 Normalising Situation in Kirkuk.
 "The process is transparent and without any external pressure, and
 this first phase to implement Article 140 it will be followed by the
 census and referendum processes to determine Kirkuk's fate," he said.
 According to Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, compensations will
 be paid to Shiite and Sunni Arab residents of the province to
 facilitate their return to native provinces.
 Kirkuk is facing a struggle for its identity between Kurds on one side
 and Arabs and Turkmen from the other. Thousands of Kurds were
 displaced from the province during Saddam Hussain's regime.
 Mohammad Arslan, a member of the Turkmen Front in Kirkuk, told Gulf
 News: "The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdish Democratic
 Party are trying to change the province's demography by forcing Arabs
 and Turkmen to leave Kirkuk. I think people are being forced to accept
 compensations ... this will lead to confrontation."

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