iPhone 2.0: The glory wore off in wash
by David
Jul 21

I can't even begin to imagine the complexity of rolling out something 
as big as the iPhone 3G/2.0. You have to coordinate retail, 
marketing, web services, support, manufacturing, shipping, and many 
of other business and tech units months in advance.

They all have to be ready by a a date determined by guesswork, 
pressure, and wishful thinking. Which means that you essentially have 
to make the call that the product is going to be done long before it 
actually is.

For the iPhone 1.0 launch, that bet paid off. The software for the 
phone felt solid. Everything just worked well. Fondling with the 
phone for the first time was intoxicating. It just tasted so 
incredibly Apple.

With the iPhone 2.0 launch, not so much. I've been using the phone 
every day for about a week now and it just isn't up to the great 
expectations set by the first version. Everything feels so incredibly 
fragile. Here are just a few of the griefs I've felt:




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