Early Transition Decisions to Shape Obama Presidency

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 5, 2008; A30

Barack Obama will take office in 76 days, but the moves he begins 
making today will immediately begin to define his presidency.

He is expected to name a White House chief of staff in the next day 
or two, and the clear front-runner is Rep. Rahm Emanuel, his longtime 
friend and ally from Chicago. He will officially begin a transition 
operation under the direction of another Clinton administration 
official, former White House chief of staff John D. Podesta. Those 
and other prominent Democrats, many of them veterans of his two-year 
quest for the presidency, will be charged with assembling an 
administration that draws from the innovations of Obama's campaign 
and sets in motion a system to deliver on the promises that got him 

One Obama source familiar with the transition process said the goal 
is to move "quickly, but not hastily." The approach to appointments 
and other senior hires will be comprehensive, as opposed to ad hoc, 
which may mean that Obama will not name, say, a Treasury secretary 
right away but will continue to rely in the short term on his current 
economic advisory team. A game plan for moving forward will become 
clear by Friday, Obama sources said, and Cabinet announcements may 
start to trickle out next week.

Obama is expected to continue operating out of Chicago for most of 
the transition. The process of vetting and assembling a Cabinet began 
well before yesterday's election, with staff members hinting at the 
potential for several "outside the box" picks for top jobs. Aides 
will move quickly to begin monitoring the government's various 
departments and agencies, obtain the necessary security clearances, 
and keep a close eye on any last-minute attempts by current 
administration officials to leave a mark on policy after President 
Bush's term ends.




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