Internet Attacks Grow More Potent

The New York Times
November 10, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO - Attackers bent on shutting down large Web sites - 
even the operators that run the backbone of the Internet - are arming 
themselves with what are effectively vast digital fire hoses capable 
of overwhelming the world's largest networks, according to a new 
report on online security.

In these attacks, computer networks are hijacked to form so-called 
botnets that spray random packets of data in huge streams over the 
Internet. The deluge of data is meant to bring down Web sites and 
entire corporate networks. Known as distributed denial of service, or 
D.D.O.S., attacks, such cyberweapons are now routinely used during 
political and military conflicts, as in Estonia in 2007 during a 
political fight with Russia, and in the Georgian-Russian war last 
summer. Such attacks are also being used in blackmail schemes and 
political conflicts, as well as for general malicious mischief.

A survey of 70 of the largest Internet operators in North America, 
South America, Europe and Asia found that malicious attacks were 
rising sharply and that the individual attacks were growing more 
powerful and sophisticated, according to the Worldwide Infrastructure 
Security Report. This report is produced annually by Arbor Networks, 
a company in Lexington, Mass., that provides tools for monitoring the 
performance of networks.

The report, which will be released Tuesday, shows that the largest 
attacks have grown steadily in size to over 40 gigabits, from less 
than half a megabit, over the last seven years. The largest network 
connections generally available today carry 10 gigabits of data, 
meaning that they can be overwhelmed by the most powerful attackers.



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