Website rouses informants' fear, investigators' ire

By Kathleen Burge, Globe Staff  |  March 21, 2005

When a team of police, federal agents, and a drug-sniffing dog burst 
through the front door and scoured every corner of the house, the 
woman and her boyfriend figured they knew who had turned them in. So 
she struck back: In the shadowy realms of cyberspace, she publicly 
identified the informant who she suspected had ratted on her 
boyfriend, landing him in court on drug possession charges.

On a website launched seven months ago from the North Shore, the 
woman posted a note saying her alleged informant, a 27-year-old man 
from the Tewksbury area, was a ''narc" who made a practice of 
snitching on others to minimize his own legal problems.


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