You are what you play
With 15 minutes and the right equipment (OK, an iPod), anyone can be a DJ

By Christopher Muther, Globe Staff  |  April 5, 2005

By the time the theme from ''Charles in Charge" began playing, the 
puzzled looks and arched eyebrows had already begun to subside. After 
all, this was a crowd that had been unwittingly exposed to everything 
from the Electric Light Orchestra's ''Sweet Talkin' Woman" to 
Fountains of Wayne's ''I Want an Alien for Christmas" for the past 
two hours. It was going to take much more than the theme song from a 
1980s Scott Baio-Willie Aames sitcom to scare them away.

''That's the thing about a night like this," says the offending 
''Charles in Charge" fan, Sarah Korval. ''You're not at the mercy of 
one DJ. You could hear 15 amazing minutes of music and then 15 
not-so-amazing minutes, but it's always changing."

Korval is the host of a first for Boston, a new night called ''So You 
Want to Be an .MP3J?" The weekly gathering offers anyone with an iPod 
an opportunity to experience 15 minutes of fame -- or shame -- as a 
DJ. Every Wednesday night at Allston's Common Ground Bar and Grill, 
digital music aficionados can sign up, patch their iPod (or any other 
MP3 player with a headphone jack) into the club's sound system, and 
share their playlist with the room.

Think of it as the strongest form of musical democracy since the 
jukebox. Beginning with the gramophone, DJing has been a strictly 
autocratic operation. The DJ chooses music, the DJ mixes the music, 
and the DJ gives you a dirty look if you attempt to make a request. 
''So You Want to Be an .MP3J?" allows any schlub to show that he can 
do better. Most of all, ''So You Want to Be an .MP3J?" acknowledges 
how the iPod has revolutionized the way that people look at music.


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