Schedule HackTV with iCal

by Erica Sadun

There's never enough time in the day to watch all those great TV 
shows you want to see. Turning your computer into a personal video 
recorder, or "PVR," has become all the rage. A Macintosh PVR can 
accomplish many things. At the most basic, it lets you time-shift 
your shows to watch them at a convenient hour-when you're ready to 
watch, not when network executives think you should be watching.

In addition, you might record a show for a friend, and then ftp it 
over, or perhaps send it in segments through e-mail to a Gmail 
account. You could even let your Mac record all the great shows you 
think you should watch and then just trash the results. Even if you 
didn't see the show, your Mac did-and it probably enjoyed it more 
than you would have anyway. No matter why you want to use your Mac to 
record TV, HackTV (with a little help from iCal) provides a free and 
simple automatic video recording solution.

This is the second article in a series about watching TV with Apple's 
(free) HackTV utility. In the first article, I showed readers how to 
connect their TVs and other video sources to their Macintoshes using 
FireWire and watch it with HackTV. Then I discussed how to record 
that video to disk. This article continues from there.

You're about to learn how to convert your Macintosh to a low-end but 
working PVR. You'll discover how to control HackTV through Apple's 
GUI scripting extensions for AppleScript (at least as much as Mac OS 
X will let you) and how to schedule your recordings with iCal. After 
mastering the skills in this article, you'll be able to walk away 
from your Mac and let it handle any recording tasks for you.


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