November 14, 2005

Hollywood Unions Object to Product Placement on TV
NY Times

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13 - A group of show business unions are denouncing the 
creeping practice of "stealth advertising," the integration of commercial 
products into the story lines of television shows, which they say deceives 
audiences and forces writers and actors to do jobs they were not hired for.

The Writers Guild of America, West, and the Writers Guild of America, East, 
with the support of the Screen Actors Guild, will hold a news conference 
Monday calling for a code of conduct to govern this latest twist in the 
world of advertising, in which product placement has become increasingly 
central to plotlines.

Reality shows like "The Apprentice," soap operas like "All My Children" and 
even prime-time scripted hits like "Desperate Housewives" have all adopted 
the practice of writing products into the shows as a way of attracting ad 
dollars that have faltered in the age of TiVo and hundreds of cable choices.

One episode of "Desperate Housewives" last season on ABC, a division of the 
Walt Disney Company, involved one of the characters getting a job as a 
spokeswoman for Buick's LaCrosse, in which she extolled the virtues of the 
car. Buick is owned by General Motors. WB has a deal with Procter & Gamble 
for inserting its products in "What I Like About You." But reality shows 
are the most popular vehicles for product placement, with everything from 
contestants on NBC's "The Apprentice" being required to write a new Burger 
King jingle, to "The Restaurant," also on NBC, which mentions an American 
Express credit card numerous times in a number of episodes.

A spokesman for NBC, which is owned by General Electric, declined to 
comment without having seen a position paper the writers guilds are 
expected to release on Monday.

That paper says: "We are being told to write the lines that sell this 
merchandise, and to deftly disguise the sale as story. Our writers are 
being told to perform the function of ad copywriter, but to disguise this 
as storytelling."

"Just as there is an established right to truth-in-advertising, there 
should be a similar right to truth-in-programming where advertising is 
concerned," said Alan Rosenberg, president of the actors guild, in a 
statement also to be released on Monday. "The sharp increase of product 
placement in film and television too often takes place without any 
compensation to the very performers that are expected to push those 
products and more often is done without any consultation with those 

The unions are calling for clearer disclosure to viewers when products are 
integrated into a show's story line, and for greater say in the practice by 
actors and writers. "Failing that," warned the writers' memorandum, "we 
will seek additional F.C.C. regulation."

Patric M. Verrone, president of the Writers Guild of America, West, said 
the practice had become worse in the age of reality programming. "They 
started doing it in reality TV, where writers don't have union protections 
and are easy marks for getting this kind of material in there," he said. 
"You're less likely to find it on network prime-time series, but the creep 
is moving in that direction. It has become intrusive and overwhelming to us 
as a union of writers."

Gary Ruskin, who runs the consumer advocacy nonprofit group Commercial 
Alert, said the networks were already in violation of existing Federal 
Communications Committee regulations regarding sponsorship disclosure, and 
that more rules were needed.

"Product placement is dishonest advertising," he said. "It's stealth 
advertising," adding that his group had already petitioned the commission 
to require greater disclosure.

"Sponsorship identification has been required since the outset of 
television advertising, but it hasn't been designed to handle sophisticated 
product integration such as this," he said. "The rules need to be updated."

Writers and producers said they struggled with juggling their primary jobs, 
to create entertaining programs, with the often last-minute demands of 
product integration.

Scott Miller, a story producer on the reality show "American Dream Derby," 
a horse-racing contest that appeared on GSN earlier this year, said he was 
required to get Diet Dr. Pepper, a product of Cadbury Schweppes, into every 
episode, complicating his efforts to get contestants to interact in ways 
that served a story line.

"These were moments when people were crying, or two cast members were 
screaming at each other, or two allies were sneaking off to strategize, and 
there were several times when it was: 'Let me stop and make sure everyone 
has a can of Diet Dr. Pepper,' " Mr. Miller said. "I'd literally be below 
the frame line, handing a can of Diet Dr. Pepper to someone who didn't have 
one. First and foremost, I want to tell a good story. I'm not necessarily 
there to help make a commercial."

Rich Cronin, president and chief executive of GSN, which is jointly owned 
by Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Liberty Media Corporation, said the 
network took care that the placement of the soft drink was not intrusive. 
"I don't think it's that big a deal, to find one point in a one-hour 
episode to have someone have a beverage," he said.

And he warned that the unions were swimming against the tide. "Because 
there are so many TV networks, because TiVo and personal video recorders 
are so popular, there's going to be more product integration," he said. 
"But networks have to be careful to do it organically, otherwise viewers 
will reject the programming."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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